Pretend this was posted four days ago. It was ready then, but I was waiting to take her 10 month picture, which I finally did this morning. So here. You can all stop bothering me now! Just kidding. I don't think anyone but me even noticed that it was late :) The 22nd was Selah's 10 month birthday! I say this every time, but I cannot believe she is that old. I know a lot has happened since she was born, but it still feels like she should be a tiny baby. However, this is not the case, as she is getting bigger and more interactive and doing more and more new things every day. She is such a little cutie pie face and still has her adorable big cheeks. Quinn has suggested "cheeks" as a nickname for her, but it just hasn't stuck. She still gets called Sell Bell more than anything. Even Abram is catching on and often asks, "Where's Seya Beya?" if we ever go anywhere without her. I love her huge, beautiful, inquisitive eyes and her scrunchy no...