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Showing posts from May, 2014

...of perfectly adorable

Thanks to our wonderfully talented friend, Nicky LeJeune, we got some incredible photos of our family a few weeks after Simon was born. I went a little matchy matchy with our clothes and we ended up taking the pictures in our bedroom, which has yellow walls. So we are quite happy and sunny looking!  I love them. Just for fun, here is the post with Selah's newborn photo shoot by April Morales and Abram's newborn photo shoot by Kelli Hindman. All wonderful, talented friends!

...of throwing in the towel

You know how they say every baby is different?  Well, "they" are right. Even with the same mother, every baby will sleep, eat, play, act, speak, move differently.  The eating one has been very apparent to us. Abram was a lazy eater. He never really ate a lot, but pretty much got the hang of it and was fairly efficient after a grueling and determined first four weeks on my part. Supplemental nursing systems, frequent weighings, compressions, and supplementation got us there eventually and he nursed fairly well until my supply went down when he was 9 months and I got pregnant with Selah. So we switched him to formula at 10 months and he was happy as a clam.  Selah was a great eater from day one. Active, efficient, voracious. So much so that I had oversupply and over active let down issues with her and did all kinds of crazy holds and positions to make her comfortable. But she rarely spit up and slept through the night very early.  Then there's Simon. Simon. Sleepy eate...

... of a compromise

I had grand plans of documenting each month of Simon's life the way I had done for Selah. Each month, taking a picture of him in the same environment with the same prop to see how he was growing and doing a lengthy, survey blog post about how he was changing and developing. I even started his one month post. Then it got long, and involved, and he woke up and/or Abram and/or Selah needed something and it never got finished. So nothing was reported on his first month at all. I am realizing the only way there will be anything at all like a monthly documentation of Simon's first year - or a documentation of any of the kids - is if there's a compromise. Something between too much to handle and nothing at all. So that means just a picture and a few sentences, if that's all I have time for. If I have time for more, I will use it. If not, at least there is something. With that being said, here are Simon's 1st and 2nd month pictures. It's hard to remember ...