Yup, we've nearly made it. Through all of the struggles of the last four weeks, we were encouraged by many friends that sometimes it takes almost a month for babies to catch on to eating and settle in to more of a schedule. I wanted to believe them. I really did. But as I sat in bed every night around 3:00am with Abram on his second hour of feeding without seeming to get anything, I have to admit that I was skeptical. There were many times that I wanted to give up and just give him formula. But for some reason, I really felt like we were supposed to stick it out.
Babies his age should be getting about 560 ml of milk/formula and gaining about an ounce a day. Abram is little and has never gotten that 560 (more like 460 ml on average), BUT he gained 11 ounces in 7 days. So he was obviously getting enough. The big problem was that it was taking him a long time to get even the minimal amount of food. But we just kept it up and hoped that he would eventually get the hang of it.
And yesterday, it seems that he did! We just decided to let him wake himself up to eat rather than forcing him and that may have been the key. He slept for almost 4 hour stretches last night (which means almost a full night of sleep for us) and when he ate, he ATE! So he's eating less often, but he eats better and more when he does eat. This is such a blessing and an answer to many people's prayers. So, thank you, if you were praying. God is so faithful.
As long as he keeps it up for the rest of the day, we will be able to take him to our community group Christmas party tonight! I will be sure to post pictures of that.
But for now, here are some pictures of milestones and visitors. Because I know that's what you REALLY came here to see.
So, we are almost parents of a one month old. It feels like it's been forever, since we rarely leave the house. But hopefully being on the verge of one month, and on the verge of sleeping well, and on the verge of eating well means that we are also on the verge of ending this very long month and finally coming out of hibernation. Here's hoping!
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