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... of true housewifery

Well, a midwife practices midwifery. So a housewife would practice housewifery, right? The red, auto correct line begs to differ. But, regardless, as the days go by and my post halfway around the world trip funk wanes, I find the enormous gap separating me and Donna Reed closing in.

Abram is a little skeptical. But I'm out to prove it to him and Quinn. Today, I am on my third load of laundry and I have at least three more to go. Now, I will not emphasize the fact that we have been back for more than a week and I haven't done laundry until now, which is why I am up to my ears in it at this point. But I was sick, people. I've just recently started being able to eat again. And, boy am I eating.

Last night I made dinner AND dessert. From scratch. A cake. From scratch. ME! I was inspired by this extremely appetizing bowl of dates that someone gave Quinn when we were in the Middle East.

We've taken it to every gathering we've gone to in the past week and a half and still could not get rid of them. I pulled out my Betty Crocker Gold Medal Flour cookbook a few days ago and opened right to a recipe for a chocolate chip-date cake. So along with dinner last night (one of our favorites - Chinese Chicken Salad), I made this cake.

It was supposed to cool for at least two hours. But I pulled it out and started to feed Abram SOLIDS (!) before Quinn and I sat down to eat, and I looked up and Quinn was cutting into it. You can't keep a man from his date cake for too long. It turned out really well and I think I am going to make another one for some friends' birthdays this Sunday. Hope they like dates! Abram sat in our laps and watched us eat.

Now that he is eating fairly well from a spoon, he seems to be more interested when we are eating. He even grabbed Quinn's bowl of Chinese Chicken Salad when Quinn wasn't looking and almost pulled it onto himself. We are maybe a few weeks from a high chair. He can sit up but, still slouches a bit and needs some support. But we are close.

We are also still having a bit of an issue at night, mainly because he can roll onto his tummy, but not to his back. This is so strange, because most of the stuff I've read says that most babies will roll to their backs first and it takes a little longer for them to roll onto their stomachs. Well, Abram has been tummy rolling for almost a month now and still cannot get the hang of rolling back. So he wakes himself up at night because he's frustrated. I'm hoping that will happen soon, too. I'm tired. Here is some tummy time with Obie investigating:

And we usually end most days before Daddy comes home in the tree swing. It's a very nice, relaxing 45 minutes or so for both of us. Although the mosquitoes are starting to come out and I've already gotten a few bites. Let's hope Abram has Quinn's blood and not my mosquito attracting kind.

Otherwise, he may not enjoy the outside like this much longer.


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