I know. I have been very horrible these last few weeks. My blogging has been non existent along with my housework, crafting, and even mothering (to a certain extent). There has been a lot going on, about which I will expound upon later.
We are now in full discipline mode with Abram. He is at the age (10 months!) where he knows what he is doing and he can understand things that we say, but he's difficult to correct because he is very strong willed. I have some friends whose baby girl was so cautious and gentle when she was an infant. I was holding her one time when she was about a year and she was looking at my necklace, but wouldn't touch it. She kept looking at her mom and at me. Finally her mom asked if it was ok if she touched my necklace. Of course it was fine. So she told Siena: "You can touch Anaka's necklace. Be gentle." And this little hand softly took the necklace and looked at it and looked at it and then put it back down. I remember thinking, "Oh, I hope my kids are like this!" Well, maybe my next one will be like that. Abram has already broken one of my necklaces and the rest of them have massive amounts of saliva on them. Yesterday I put him down for a nap and he grabbed my hair with both hands as I laid him down and he would NOT let go. He's smart. I'll give him that.
I've also been bad about taking pictures and videos the last few weeks. But I do have a few. Almost all of them are in his high chair. I guess it's because he's getting more self sufficient with feeding and so even though I have to be there with him, I'm not doing too much so I remember to get out the camera. It's also the time when the most mess happens. Like his lunch of pasta with marinara that Quinn bought.
I told Quinn to get a very plain pasta sauce. Something with mainly just tomatoes and olive oil. No spicy stuff or whatever. To Quinn that translated to: "Buy the most expensive pasta sauce you can find". I'm not sure why. When I told him that the pasta sauce he got turned Abram and the high chair and me orange, he said, "Well, it was the most expensive one in the store." ...??...
The one video I've gotten of him waving also happens to include me doing what I call my "in the mouth voice". It is essentially the untalented person's ventriloquism, where I just puff up my cheeks and talk inside my mouth. It's really embarrassing, but Abram seems to like it.
He is also doing this really sweet thing where he has started patting my shoulder when I'm holding him. I usually pat his back, so it's like he's returning the comfort. And it really is sweet and comforting. It's like he's saying: "I know it's been a hard day, Mom, but we're doing ok."
And the other day at a meeting with a bunch of our friends, he woke up from a nap and was brought out into the living room with about 15 people and so he spent about 5 minutes in my lap, snuggled up on my shoulder trying to get his bearings.
It was blissful. He is NOT a snuggler, so this was big news. Enough that Quinn got out the camera to make sure it was documented. Then he sat down next to me and kept patting Abram's head and back. I finally realized that Quinn really wanted to hold him, hoping that he would continue snuggling with his Daddy. So I passed him over right as he got his energy back and wouldn't sit still for Quinn. Poor Dada.
These are the friends that got to witness the snuggling.

Quinn and I tried to get him to clap for the camera so we could have documentation of that (because he does it pretty consistently now), but he wouldn't do it. But I like this video because we are sitting on both sides of him and it's like he's super enthralled that we are both there with him playing with him and he's just too happy :) You can also see he 8 teeth pretty well.
So I'll try to be better about pictures and updates. My friend has commissioned me to do a baby shower gift that I need to get done in the next week or so, so between trying to keep the house at least mildly presentable and doing some crafting (which I haven't done in awhile and am pretty excited about), I may not be back for a few days.
But that's enough Abram to keep you satiated, right?
We are now in full discipline mode with Abram. He is at the age (10 months!) where he knows what he is doing and he can understand things that we say, but he's difficult to correct because he is very strong willed. I have some friends whose baby girl was so cautious and gentle when she was an infant. I was holding her one time when she was about a year and she was looking at my necklace, but wouldn't touch it. She kept looking at her mom and at me. Finally her mom asked if it was ok if she touched my necklace. Of course it was fine. So she told Siena: "You can touch Anaka's necklace. Be gentle." And this little hand softly took the necklace and looked at it and looked at it and then put it back down. I remember thinking, "Oh, I hope my kids are like this!" Well, maybe my next one will be like that. Abram has already broken one of my necklaces and the rest of them have massive amounts of saliva on them. Yesterday I put him down for a nap and he grabbed my hair with both hands as I laid him down and he would NOT let go. He's smart. I'll give him that.
I've also been bad about taking pictures and videos the last few weeks. But I do have a few. Almost all of them are in his high chair. I guess it's because he's getting more self sufficient with feeding and so even though I have to be there with him, I'm not doing too much so I remember to get out the camera. It's also the time when the most mess happens. Like his lunch of pasta with marinara that Quinn bought.
I told Quinn to get a very plain pasta sauce. Something with mainly just tomatoes and olive oil. No spicy stuff or whatever. To Quinn that translated to: "Buy the most expensive pasta sauce you can find". I'm not sure why. When I told him that the pasta sauce he got turned Abram and the high chair and me orange, he said, "Well, it was the most expensive one in the store." ...??...
The one video I've gotten of him waving also happens to include me doing what I call my "in the mouth voice". It is essentially the untalented person's ventriloquism, where I just puff up my cheeks and talk inside my mouth. It's really embarrassing, but Abram seems to like it.
He is also doing this really sweet thing where he has started patting my shoulder when I'm holding him. I usually pat his back, so it's like he's returning the comfort. And it really is sweet and comforting. It's like he's saying: "I know it's been a hard day, Mom, but we're doing ok."
And the other day at a meeting with a bunch of our friends, he woke up from a nap and was brought out into the living room with about 15 people and so he spent about 5 minutes in my lap, snuggled up on my shoulder trying to get his bearings.
It was blissful. He is NOT a snuggler, so this was big news. Enough that Quinn got out the camera to make sure it was documented. Then he sat down next to me and kept patting Abram's head and back. I finally realized that Quinn really wanted to hold him, hoping that he would continue snuggling with his Daddy. So I passed him over right as he got his energy back and wouldn't sit still for Quinn. Poor Dada.
These are the friends that got to witness the snuggling.
Quinn and I tried to get him to clap for the camera so we could have documentation of that (because he does it pretty consistently now), but he wouldn't do it. But I like this video because we are sitting on both sides of him and it's like he's super enthralled that we are both there with him playing with him and he's just too happy :) You can also see he 8 teeth pretty well.
So I'll try to be better about pictures and updates. My friend has commissioned me to do a baby shower gift that I need to get done in the next week or so, so between trying to keep the house at least mildly presentable and doing some crafting (which I haven't done in awhile and am pretty excited about), I may not be back for a few days.
But that's enough Abram to keep you satiated, right?
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