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Showing posts from November, 2011

... of Christmas decorations

We are going to Boise for Christmas this year. Last year we stayed here because Abram was only a few weeks old and we got ourselves a real tree. It was the first real tree I've ever had. It smelled really good. So that was nice. The mess it created was not so nice. Our cat was also a little hard to control around it and I have a feeling that a cat and a one year old would be exponentially harder to control. So, needless to say, we are not having a tree this year. Not worth it. So we only have a few Christmas things up, but it's enough to feel like Christmas really is on the verge. We hung our stockings. Abram has his own with his name now. I also made some "bunting". I didn't know that's what little flags on a string were called until pinterest . Quinn told me the other day exactly what "hallelujah" means (after hearing a John Piper sermon, of course). It basically means "Come on! Let's worship the Lord!" Pretty cool. So ...

... of December

The house is so quiet now! It's very surreal to just be alone with Quinn for the first time in over a week. We don't really know what to do. We are trying to have a day of rest, but there are so many things to do, it's hard to put them all out of my head and focus on rest. So we are doing things like going out to eat, blogging, talking to people on the phone, and I would imagine that a nap will be in my not too distant future. Tomorrow we will return to reality: Quinn back to work, me putting away literally "loads" of laundry and doing more "loads" of laundry. Why is there so much laundry!? At any rate, it was a really good birthday/Thanksgiving week. Having so much family in town is really such a blessing, even if it means the post departure to do list might be a bit longer. We went down to my sister and brother in law's house in San Antonio for Thanksgiving day and night. Don't judge, but we had ham, because it's soooo much easier. ...

... of the complete birthday haul

Nana and Papa are coming into town tonight with the end of Abram's birthday presents. And then we will be done. He doesn't understand the concept of presents (or unwrapping), but he sure enjoys new stuff... uh oh. Oo! Speaking of "uh-oh", Abram is now saying it perfectly clear. He mastered the "oh" sound the other day and is now calling Obie "Oh". Very cute. Here are some pictures of Abram enjoying his birthday stash: An alphabet book from Uncle Allan, Aunt Pam, Larissa, and Andrea Balloon from Sam, Jenny, and Chloe Kwon and car from Grandma Gae and Bopa Scott Super neat nursery rhyme book from Grandpa Dan and Grandma Barbara Money from Grandpa and Grandma Ward Target gift card from Aunt Liesl and Uncle Eric Money from neighbors Robert, Sharon, and Blake :) Sock Monkey from Uncle Dean, Aunt Cindy, Larson, and Olivia This kid got way more presents than we had planned. But he loves them all! Thank you to all of our wonderful family members and...

... of party recovery

Birthday party success! Abram enjoyed himself. We enjoyed having friends and family here. Now we are sitting here in the living room enjoying some presents from Grandma and Bopa and getting ready to eat some left over Pok-e-joes from the party. So for those of you who were not here, enjoy the pictorial evidence of the 1st birthday fun. First, some people who came to the festivities: Miss Lacy and Abram's awesome balloon from the Kwons! Bryan and Ryan Grandma Gae and our friends Shanda and Dave's sweet baby girl, Elliot. Jenny and Chloe Kwon Robert and Blake Danny and his adorable daughter, Zoe (who I think looks just like her mom, Abby). Aunt Liesl, Uncle Eric, and cousin Fenway :) Close up of the party animal. Abram's amazing birthday cake, made by friend Melissa Martinez! Singing "Happy Birthday" Concentrating on the cake The chorus of singers Family shot First bite of cake (or any "sweets") ever. It was carrot cake. At least he was getting veggie...