Yes. It's been a long time. I know. I could go into a big, long explanation about where we were (Arizona) and what we were doing (a training, of sorts), but you don't really want to hear about that, do you? I know you are all waiting in anticipation for some updates on the almost one year old little man we have around here, right?!
Well, he has definitely done some cool new things, but walking is not one of them (in case you were wondering). A friend of ours that we met in Arizona says she predicts he will be walking by Christmas. I wouldn't put it past him. He can definitely stand on his own, but he does it without realizing most of the time and it's only for 15 to 30 seconds.
And he can walk around things, but he's such a fast crawler, I'm not sure he'll see the benefit in forgoing that method of mobility any time really soon.
While we were in Arizona, Abram had to be in day care from about 9am until 5pm (with a break for lunch with us in the middle). He had a really hard time the first few days, crying every time we put him down. We would dash out of the room and look through the window at him wailing until one of the amazing workers would distract him with a toy and then he was fine. The last few days he was literally jumping out of our arms when we brought him into the room. That made me so much more at peace during our classes, because I knew he was having a good time. He was even napping well for them those last few days! We had our camera with us, but found out the the battery that I thought was fully charged hadn't actually charged at all and was completely dead. We were also so busy the whole time that I didn't even take pictures on my phone. So, sorry. There's a two week dead spot in the documentation of Abram's first year.
One thing I kind wish I had a picture of was Abram's first real injury. You can understand why I don't have a picture of that, I hope. Quinn had him outside on some benches that he thought were pushed up against a wall, so he was watching Abram on the front, but there was a gap in the back and our little Monkey fell off the back face first and sliced his lip open (with his massive front teeth, I assume). Needless to say there was blood everywhere, a very sorry Daddy, and a surprisingly calm Mommy. Once I realized it was his lip and not a tooth, it didn't seem as bad. So we spent the rest of the day holding him and comforting him and letting him have his pacie (not normal for him), all three of us covered in baby mouth blood. It looked like Quinn and I had gotten into a fist fight or something, because Abram had kept pushing his face up against our shoulders right after it happened. It was a harrowing experience for all involved, and I'm glad to say that our first bloody baby boy injury is now under our belt, with only a small lip scar to show for it.
Anyway, since we've gotten back (three days ago), here are some of the fun things that Abram has done:
-Had his nose wiped against his will about a thousand times (he got sick in day care and gave it to me...)
-Taken a three hour afternoon nap yesterday!
-Gone to his first Mommy/Baby lunch at Chic-fil-a.
-Learned to drink out of a straw!!
-Seen helium balloons (also at Chic-fil-a). I didn't get the balloons in the pics, but you can probably tell where they were :) It was like a baby lava lamp or something and kept him entertained and calm the whole time.

-Eaten a french fry (Guess where...)
-Been a terrific napper. I was worried about how he would settle back into a schedule when we got home, but Praise God, I didn't even have to try and he's in a super good groove right now. Still 12 hours at night, two naps a day about 1.5 to 2 hours each.
-Learned to dance
-Worn a Halloween costume. We did not celebrate Halloween. We are not big fans. But I did have a kids pumpkin costume that a friend gave me a few years ago so we could get this awesome picture (among others):

Well, he has definitely done some cool new things, but walking is not one of them (in case you were wondering). A friend of ours that we met in Arizona says she predicts he will be walking by Christmas. I wouldn't put it past him. He can definitely stand on his own, but he does it without realizing most of the time and it's only for 15 to 30 seconds.
And he can walk around things, but he's such a fast crawler, I'm not sure he'll see the benefit in forgoing that method of mobility any time really soon.
While we were in Arizona, Abram had to be in day care from about 9am until 5pm (with a break for lunch with us in the middle). He had a really hard time the first few days, crying every time we put him down. We would dash out of the room and look through the window at him wailing until one of the amazing workers would distract him with a toy and then he was fine. The last few days he was literally jumping out of our arms when we brought him into the room. That made me so much more at peace during our classes, because I knew he was having a good time. He was even napping well for them those last few days! We had our camera with us, but found out the the battery that I thought was fully charged hadn't actually charged at all and was completely dead. We were also so busy the whole time that I didn't even take pictures on my phone. So, sorry. There's a two week dead spot in the documentation of Abram's first year.
One thing I kind wish I had a picture of was Abram's first real injury. You can understand why I don't have a picture of that, I hope. Quinn had him outside on some benches that he thought were pushed up against a wall, so he was watching Abram on the front, but there was a gap in the back and our little Monkey fell off the back face first and sliced his lip open (with his massive front teeth, I assume). Needless to say there was blood everywhere, a very sorry Daddy, and a surprisingly calm Mommy. Once I realized it was his lip and not a tooth, it didn't seem as bad. So we spent the rest of the day holding him and comforting him and letting him have his pacie (not normal for him), all three of us covered in baby mouth blood. It looked like Quinn and I had gotten into a fist fight or something, because Abram had kept pushing his face up against our shoulders right after it happened. It was a harrowing experience for all involved, and I'm glad to say that our first bloody baby boy injury is now under our belt, with only a small lip scar to show for it.
Anyway, since we've gotten back (three days ago), here are some of the fun things that Abram has done:
-Had his nose wiped against his will about a thousand times (he got sick in day care and gave it to me...)
-Taken a three hour afternoon nap yesterday!
-Gone to his first Mommy/Baby lunch at Chic-fil-a.
-Learned to drink out of a straw!!
-Seen helium balloons (also at Chic-fil-a). I didn't get the balloons in the pics, but you can probably tell where they were :) It was like a baby lava lamp or something and kept him entertained and calm the whole time.
-Eaten a french fry (Guess where...)
-Been a terrific napper. I was worried about how he would settle back into a schedule when we got home, but Praise God, I didn't even have to try and he's in a super good groove right now. Still 12 hours at night, two naps a day about 1.5 to 2 hours each.
-Learned to dance

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