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... of five months

 Yet again, I have waited too long and had to post a lie. Please forgive me. This little lady is not "on the verge" of five months. She is actually a big old five months! 
So hard to believe in a way, although her birth seems like ages ago at the same time. I think that might have something to do with the fact that we have stayed in five different houses since then. That makes time stretch out a bit, I think. 
Anyway, her five month birthday is being celebrated in Boise, while her forth month was in Colorado and her third month was in Austin. Her 1/2 year will be in Austin as well and, Lord willing, month seven will be celebrated in the Middle East!

Date: September 22, 2012

Weight: I've recently weighed her on a non-digital scale (you know, those "old school" ones that spin... a "rotary" scale :) and it looks like she is around 15 lbs!  I just looked it up and that is exactly the 50th percentile.  It's funny to have such a chunky girl, when our boy was so little (I finally tracked down Abram's 6 month blog post when he apparently weighed 14lbs 9oz!)  So she's continuing right on her curve.

Clothing size: All 6 month now, although some sleepers are pretty big on her.

Feedings per day: 5.  Except when she was teething last week and we had 6 or 7 smaller ones throughout the day and night.

Night sleeping: We are back to normal the last few days after a few tough nights while that second bottom tooth was working its way out.  Two nights ago we were back to her normal 12 hours uninterrupted.  Last night it was only 10.  Still good!

Naps: Erratic, but ok.  Due to the nature of our traveling and trying to see as many people as possible while we are visiting places, we don't really have her on a schedule.  This makes naps harder, I think, as she has no internal clock signaling to her when it's time to go to sleep.  So she often goes to sleep over tired and we get really short naps or really long naps.  

New skills: Biting with those two new teeth.  
(Can you see 'em?)
Actually, she doesn't bite.  She rarely puts anything but her hand in her mouth and makes an awful face if you try to shove a toy in there, but she's starting to do it more.
I think she would have cut that second tooth faster if she had been chewing on stuff, but she doesn't.  Also, I watch her roll around in her bed from front to back (she's been doing back to front for a month now), but she won't do it when she's out of her bed.  I know she can do it, though, not matter how she tries to hide it :)

Favorite thing: She still loves standing up.  Still loves whoever gets her out of bed. Still loves Sophie.  Still looooooves her thumb :/

Least favorite thing: Gas and reflux.  
We are usually able to avoid them, but teething made the reflux worse this last week and I ate some pizza with tofu on it last night, completely forgetting like an idiot that tofu is SOY... and we are having a little fussiness today. So I'm thinking we may still have a MSPI baby.

Potential Personality traits: She just kind of shuts down when she's tired.  Like, doesn't want to look anyone in the face and just gobbles up her thumb.  And then gets fussy.  So she may be a melt down when tired kid.

Abram's new thing is that he wants to hold Selah every time she gets up from a nap and he hasn't seen her in awhile. He says "Hode 'er!", then we set her in his lap for a few seconds and then he wiggles around and says "Mommy hode 'er".  Funny kid.  
He really is liking her more and it's so sweet to see.  She watches him, but no real interaction from her yet.  

So that's our little doll baby at five months.  We love her more and more every day and can't wait to see the girl and woman that God has planned for her to be!  Happy five months on the outside, Sell Bell.


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