No one had to tell me after we had Selah that the most important rule to follow in our new multiple child household was not to compare my children. That's totally common sense, and a good one to follow for many reasons. Topping this list would probably be for their self esteem. There is nothing worse than being compared to your sibling and coming out as the one in want. But that becomes more important later. As babies, this rule is important mainly for one's own sanity. All kids do things at different times and it just tends to cause anxiety and doubt when you realize that one kid is behind where the other one was at that age.
Until then, I thought I'd just share some cute pictures from the last week or so.

However, despite being well aware of the benefits of following this unspoken rule, I find myself struggling not to break it. My children are very very very different from each other in many ways, of course they would be different developmentally, right?! Abram was a more emotional, vocal, hands on baby and he was crawling, standing, pulling up and eating finger foods by 8 months. Selah is more even keel, quiet, and observant and, while she seems to be trying very hard to crawl, she is not even close to doing any of those things at almost 8 months. She doesn't seem to have anything wrong that I should be worried about, so I'm trying not to. And I'm trying not to compare, but it's hard when you blog! It's so simple to just go back to an exact month and day and see what your first child was doing at whatever point the second child is current at. Like this.
But Selah has been very fussy, which is what I've read is normal around 8 months because of all of the developing that is happening. So I'm taking her out of character whining as a sign that something big is about to happen!
Until then, I thought I'd just share some cute pictures from the last week or so.
The boys (Abram, George, and Augie) admiring Selah... or her noise making walker.
Fun in a diaper box.
Abram actually asked for Selah to get in with him, after he was having so much fun being pulled around .
What a nice big brother.
Going for a walk to the park with Siena. Not sure Abram really needed the jacket, but he sure likes it. When we put it on he says "warm and cozy!" (from the "Big Brother" book)
Selah sporting her cool hat from Nana. I think the flash may have taken her by surprise. Maybe.
Anyway, I'm not worried about Selah. I know I shouldn't be too anxious for her to become mobile, because it's going to happen soon and I will be lamenting the days that I could leave her unattended for a bit and know she would be right where I left her when I came back. Those days are coming to an end. I need to savor them. And savor them I shall.
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