Daylight Savings baffles me. Not the procedure, of course (although sometimes remembering to set me clock ahead at 2:00 in the morning was a little difficult...), but the practice. Only about a third of the world practices Daylight Savings. Another third used to and the final third never has and probably never will. We got used to it in America (having never lived in Arizona, but being a little annoyed when scheduling meetings with Arizonians) and now we don't have to worry about it here in the UAE, as they are a part of that final third. This would be great. It's so much easier with very young children not to have to deal with changing their sleep times twice a year. However, now, we are wishing our families in the States were Arizonians. Because Daylight Savings has made it very difficult for us to continue skyping with our parents who work during the day and want to see their grandchildren and want to go to bed at a decent hour. We are now trying to figure out how we can do this, as being 9 hours ahead is much less conducive than being 10 hours ahead.
But, instead of going on any more of a tirade against Daylight Savings, I'll get to the point. My wonderful husband is being so... wonderful and trying to give me a few hours at the end of each "work day" to review and prepare for my language lessons, catch up on email, and hopefully hit up this blog a bit more frequently than has been previously possible. This is an effort on our part to update and satiate those kiddo hungry grandparents who we sadly may not get to see as often as we have. So, I know I've said it before, but now I have extra motivation: I hope to be posting a bit more often.
Without further ado, let's get to some adorable pictures of the aforementioned kiddos.
From our friend's 10th birthday party:

But, instead of going on any more of a tirade against Daylight Savings, I'll get to the point. My wonderful husband is being so... wonderful and trying to give me a few hours at the end of each "work day" to review and prepare for my language lessons, catch up on email, and hopefully hit up this blog a bit more frequently than has been previously possible. This is an effort on our part to update and satiate those kiddo hungry grandparents who we sadly may not get to see as often as we have. So, I know I've said it before, but now I have extra motivation: I hope to be posting a bit more often.
Without further ado, let's get to some adorable pictures of the aforementioned kiddos.
From our friend's 10th birthday party:
It was a pool party, but neither of my kids really wanted to get in the water. It was a little cold, can you believe it!? We hear (from these friends - whose house and pool are right across the street) that the best swimming months are upon us. Once we hit July and August the pool will be like a hot bathtub. Fun stuff.
Right after he fell in face first trying to catch a beach ball. His response as I yanked him out of the water: "No way, thank you!"
Wanting to try and get them both ISR swim lessons when we are back in the States next summer, insha'allah.
Petting Tripod, the amazingly friendly three legged cat that lives in our friends' complex. I would totally adopt him, if I could. He was awesome. Abram thought so too. He reminded me of our sweet Obie (sniff, sniff).
Lady Baby in Daddy's hat.
Family Outing to Al Majaz Park:
Yes. Your eyes are not deceiving you. That is a Cold Stone, a Baja Fresh, and a Fat Burger in one place. TGIFridays not pictured. This is now one of our new favorite places for so many reasons.
I could not love this picture any more.
So attractive of both of us.
When I said "adorable", I meant sometimes.
Baja Fresh and baby food at sunset in Sharjah.
Date night after dropping the children off in bed and leaving the monitor with Steve:
We went back and had ice cream.
I talked him into it with this face.
Ok. That was longer than expected, but there was a lot of cuteness to catch up on (not including that last picture). I hear Abram having a hunger meltdown in the living room, so I better go start dinner.
See you soon!
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