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... of understanding Abram

Literally and figuratively.

I thought I would share some videos that give a little peek into our pretty awesome little guy's personality and how his mind works.  

However, it's going to require some subtitles.  We understand what he's saying, oh, 90% of the time.  When I don't know what he's saying, I often say, "What are you talking about, Abram?"  He's turned that back on me a few times at perfectly hilarious moments.  "What is Mommy talking about?!"  It's hard to convey what his little voice sounds like now when he asks a question.  He's figured out that we make our voices higher at the end of a question and he's been doing some very exaggerated and adorable question asking the last few days.  

So here's a few Abramoments from the last few days.

You might have read the potty training m&ms post.  He's been better, actually.  I mean, he still uses the potty sporadically.  Maybe for 50% of his #1 trips.  Sometimes we remind him and the thought of m&ms gets that littler bladder going.  And sometimes he really is remembering to tell us when he needs to go with no mention of m&ms (that is until the moment he sees the pee in the potty and then we can't shut him up, except with am m&m).  But up until two days ago, no #2.  Then, during dinner (of all times), he tells me he needs to go potty.  I'm a little annoyed.  "Do you really need to go potty?  Are you sure you didn't just go in your diaper?"  But after a few moments on the potty and a sudden moment of concentration and red face, it became clear that this was it.  The anticipated "5 m&ms" moment.  I wondered it he would actually have the patience to wait it out on the potty and make it happen.  Well he did.  And then came the excitement, not over finally going #2 in the potty, but over the massive amount of chocolately goodness he was about to consume.  This video captured the end of the song and dance that we all got to witness while sitting at the dinner table after said chocolately goodness was in his little belly (and on his face).  
I love Selah's face at the end.  She witnesses craziness like this all the time, so she was unphased.

Then he learned how to navigate on the laptop.  Up until this point, if he wanted to click on something  (usually only the questions in the New City Catechism we do with him every night), we line up the arrow and he clicks.  But now he knows how to do it himself.
I didn't bother with subtitles because whatever said isn't that integral to understanding the video. Anyway, I don't know why I'm so surprised/amazed by this.  I'm sure that other kids his age know how to do it.  But it was an encouragement to know that our kid who still throws balls behind him when he tries to throw might be developing some better hand eye coordination.

And this was some play time we had the other day during Selah's nap.  He really loves to pretend that he's flying on an airplane.  Quinn has been doing it with him recently.  I think they usually fly to Africa to see animals and he has a great time.  There's a specific spot in the living room that's like the "airplane cockpit" area.  So we buckled up and went for a ride from Dubai to Africa the other day.  
We did end up flying to America, but my phone was out of space and so the recording stopped.  I know, it was a little long, so it was probably a good thing.

That's just a little look into Abram's life and mind.  He's a pretty wacky kid sometime.  I love it.  I think he got it from me.  Quinn says he was wacky when he was little too.  Maybe all kids are wacky.  Wacky is a weird word...

Hope you enjoyed the video overload!


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