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... of 2.5

Abram will officially be two and half tomorrow!  What a big kid!  Selah got quite a lot of blog time this last  year with her monthly posts, I thought I needed to do one for Abram at this special milestone.  I'll even use the same survey format.  Here goes:

Date: May 16th, 2013
Weight: Just went to the doctor two days ago.  He was around 12 kg (or about 26.5 lbs).  I think that's somewhere around the 5-10th percentile?  That's almost exactly where he's been his whole life. Just sticking to that growth curve!

Clothing size: He has a few 6-12 month shorts, a few 12 month, a few 18 month, and a few 2T.  The elastic in the 2Ts are cinched as tight as they will go.  He definitely fits best in 18 month.  Shirts are pretty much the same.  18 month is best, but he's not swimming in 2T anymore.  

Feedings per day: He's like a real person.  So three.  And a snack (sometimes).

Naps: Usually one 2-3 hour nap from around 2-5 in the afternoon.  Sometimes he falls asleep really easily at 1, sometimes he refuses to go to sleep until 3:30 (like today) and wakes up around 5, still.  Sometimes he doesn't take a nap at all (not by my choice) and he does fine if we can get him in bed by 7:30.  But there's usually a pretty epic meltdown around dinner time if that happens. And he's been sleeping from about 8pm-7am at night, give or take.

New skills: 
-Starting to use proper pronouns. I, instead of Abey. You, instead of Mommy or Daddy.  
-He used safety scissors for the first time today and loved it.  I think cutting paper into tiny pieces may become a favorite something for him to do while I read my Bible in the morning during Selah's first nap.  
-He's also been loving puzzles recently.  
-Using the potty.  The big potty.  Still not potty trained (we really can't make the full switch to no diapers while we are still in this house because of the way it is set up), but he often tells me when he needs to go.  And he's started to like stepping up on his little chair and sitting on the big potty.  This means a more vigorous hand washing afterward, but I think it's good that he's not scared of it.  
-Working on sentence structure more.  My favorite is he always says "don't" where a "no" would normally go, instead of where a "don't" should go.  Like: "I have don't juice."  Pretty funny.  
-He knows all the letters of the alphabet by sight and is learning the sounds they make.  He's got most of the consonants down, but we haven't worked on any vowel except A.  
-He can count to 20 and only skips 13, 15 and 16.  
-Has Psalm 23 and Psalm 1 completely memorized, thanks to some super great songs that his daddy has made up.  He wants us to sing them to him every night and then close out with "Jesus loves me" and "Turn your eyes upon Jesus" (our bedtime standards for about a year now).

Teeth: I don't know.  A lot.  His bottom two year molars appeared at some point in the last few month.  I just wasn't looking and then all of a sudden they were there.  The top ones aren't even poking through yet.  He's getting really good at brushing his own teeth, we just come in at the end a do a good once over ourselves.  We are working on teaching him how to swish and spit (he still swallows a lot of it) before we start using toothpaste with him.  But we are close.  I can feel it.

Favorite things: Ice in his "juice and water".  MnMs.  Swinging on Selah's high chair.  Visiting our friend who runs the corner shop in our neighborhood. Playing with other kids.  Chips.  Balloons.  Any and all "Jesus movies" (cartoons, live action, old, new, whatever).  Selah (as long as she's not destroying something he is making). His thumb. Climbing.

Least favorite things: Sitting at the dinner table for longer than five minutes.  Having all the lights out at bedtime. Feeling left out of fun.  

Brother/sisterness:  He really does like Selah.  Today, he was putting together a puzzle while I was making lunch and she kept coming over and taking it apart.  I felt bad for him.  I tried to tell her not to do it and then decided to try and set him up at the dining room table so that she couldn't get to it.  But then he came over to me and said "I'na build it with Selah.  Come on Selah.  Let's do the puzzle!"  And he went in and just let her mess with all the pieces while he kinda tried to put it together.  It was so sweet and I was so proud of him.  

Wow.  What a big boy we have!  I was looking at him today during his nap and he was kind of curled into the fetal position and I suddenly flashed back to him as a tiny newborn.  I can't believe that he's already two and half and a big brother to a one year old.  That went really quickly.  He's such a little man and I love love love getting to talk to him and converse with him and find out new things about him every day.  Like how some days his favorite color is blue and some days it's green :)

You are such an amazing, smart, funny, sweet, inquisitive, adorable little man.  I really don't want you do grow up to fast, but I can't wait to see the man God grows you up to be!  Love you, Abey Baby - I mean Big Boy.  


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