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...of a Father's Day note

This weekend was a special one for our family.  On Saturday, Quinn and I celebrated five years of marriage.  On Sunday we celebrated two and a half years of him being a dad.  So I wanted to take a moment to forever record my gratitude for Quinn Ryan Smith.


We met almost seven years ago.  I was dramatic and indecisive.  You were steadfast and assured.  You were adorable, handsome, kind, talented, inventive, and gentle. The Lord told me I could trust your leadership and your assurance in Him for the rest of my life.  So I did.  And we got married.

You gave me a home.  You led me humbly and gently through years of busyness and memories.  

I thought we were thinking about thinking about talking about having kids.  But, apparently, you were praying for one already.  And the Lord answered your prayer in His timing (not mine).  You loved me through nine months of whining and complaining.  You prepared for the birth of our son by spending time in the Word and let me take care of the decorating.  You were calm and reassuring when he came.  My favorite memory from that day was watching you look at your son in that baby warmer for the first time.  I was overwhelmed by how blessed I felt that that boy would have you for an earthly father.  It was one of the best moments of my life.

You have been a better father than I could have ever dreamed.  I was a little worried when I found out that you had only changed one diaper before you were going to have your own child.  But I learned that the amount of time a man spends with other children before he has his own does not determine the kind of father he will be.  What has made you the most amazing father is your servant heart, your firm and loving hand, your love of Jesus, your youthful spirit, your willingness to guide our children as a leader and play with them as a comrade.  Abram adores you and it's heart melting.  I can hear his little voice telling me just yesterday, "I love Daddy SO much".  Me too, buddy.  Me too.

We started to wonder if God had something different planned for our lives.  You were sure about our calling long before I was.  You were patient and kind, not pushy but directive. Once again, God assured me that I could trust you and what He had confirmed in you.  And so we prepared to move to the other side of the world.

You surprised me by also confirming that you wanted to have another baby when Abram was only five months old.  Were we crazy?  Yes.  But we tried and God blessed us with our precious, sometimes solemn, sometimes emotional, but always bright eyed and beautiful little Selah.  You chose her name.  I chose the pronunciation.  Thank you.  She looks like you and I love it.  I think she is more like you, too: easy to get along with, until she suddenly lets you know that something is bothering her, and then snugly and smiley one moment later, forgiving and forgetting in a very special way.

These kids (and any others that the Lord might see fit to bless us with) have no idea yet how truly blessed they are.  To have a father that is creative, encouraging, vocal, and persistent about their knowledge of our King and their relationship with Him is a rare thing.  But you are that.  The songs you have made up have Abram and I constantly singing the Psalms.  The books you have written have helped not only our kids and I, but others as well, to understand the Good News more fully.  Your gifts are incredible.  Your humility is inspiring.  You devotion is convicting.

I am so grateful to God for making you the man that you are and are continuing to become.  To think that if I had met you eight years ago, your life would have caused me to pass right on by without thinking twice.  But He brought you out of darkness and death into light and life, as He has done for me and all who put their trust in His power and sacrifice and I will praise Him for that for the rest of my life

You started out as an awkward, quiet, tree climbing, banjo playing, creature drawing, enigma of a man that I met one morning at 6am in a high school gymnasium and have so quickly and providentially become a more bold, outgoing, tune writing, book writing, caring, loving rock of a man who I am so so blessed to call my husband and the father of my children.

I love you, Quinn Face.  You are my best. 


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