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...of midnight musings of God's goodness

It's 1:30am and I can't stop thinking about how God is so good. So I thought I'd write about it and then go to sleep.

God is SO good. Even through bed bugs. And having to throw away furniture. And hand foot and mouth. And lack of sleep for the whole family and just overall busyness. I am overwhelmed by the blessings in my life right now. I can't begin to doubt that He even uses the hard things to show us His faithfulness.

These are a few of the things I am thankful for right now (think of it as a big chunk of "30 days of thankfulness" a little late):

- Mr. Unexpected Simon is getting so strong and feisty in there at 19 weeks. Loving him and getting more and more excited to meet and hold him every single day.

- Quinn's parents coming for a visit in 8 days. Love those people and excited to see them after over a year.

- Friends from our church in Austin coming to visit and going on an adventure to the Dubai Creek and spice souk. Then for a ride on the metro, a long walk into the Dubai Mall, a yummy dinner and ice cream at Shake Shack. All with lots of encouraging conversation, blessings, support, care, love, and hugs throughout. We couldn't ask for a better church family in the States.

- Another sweet friend who sent some essential things we needed (and some just fun stuff, like Trader Joes Vanilla Cranberry Cereal, which I will NOT be sharing). So fun and amazing to get gifts like that.

- Kids who did so well with little to no naps today and staying up two and three hours past bed time. Then they got new diapers and went right to bed after the hour long car ride home.

- An artistic husband who did such a good job picking out bedding for our guest room with gold sponge painted walls when the one I had planned on wasn't available. I like his choice so much better and now I just want to hang out in the clean, pretty guest room all day long.

- A new dryer that has made the 7 loads of laundry I've done in the last two days so easy. It's also so nice to be assured that we are killing any creatures that may be left in our stuff with unbearable heat. And making the 5 or 6 loads I have left to do not as daunting.

- The Holy Spirit that gives me help and peace and assurance that all of this AND the hard things are for His glory and I can rest and trust in His goodness and faithfulness and press on toward a beautiful eternity in His presence.

That's just a short list :)
And here are some pictures from our adventure today, the last few days, and the guest room.

And with that I will say good night.


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