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...of the big wait #3

At least we know that Simon is taking after his brother and sister in making us believe he is coming soon and then settling comfortably back in my abdomen and making us wait a bit longer.

He will be full term based on LMP tomorrow (based on our dates, he hit that milestone four days ago). I was dilated to a 1 last week and soft. And yesterday was almost a 2. He has dropped, but is in front of the opening, which makes labor maybe less eminent and exams a lot more traumatic for me. We've had lots of instances of regular, uncomfortable contractions that eventually taper off after a few hours. Last night was pretty bad. They were the most cramp like and painful, but I chalked it up to the exam. They eventually went away and I had a pretty decent night of sleep, praise God. 

I've been wondering all yesterday and this morning if any of the spotting I was experiencing from the exam was the actually the plug. And then this morning, it definitively made it's appearance. So, that's a sign things are progressing. But still no real clue. I mean, it's quite possible he could hang out in there for awhile more, but if my other labors are any indication, it probably shouldn't be too long now. 

I've been trying to prep the kids by telling them what could happen: they could wake up and we might be gone getting Simon out of my tummy in the hospital, or we might have to suddenly run out on them. Our housemate and interns will have the main job of taking care of them while we are gone. They are all single guys, which will be interesting, but they are all great with the kids and the kids love them. So I'm hoping everyone will make it through ok. And one or more of them will be initiated into the diaper changing club soon enough. 

It's all pretty surreal that we will soon have another newborn, that Selah will not be our baby anymore, and that our family dynamic will be changing so drastically. But we continue to actively pray that this change will draw us all closer to the Lord, even if it's hard, and we will get to see why God wanted us to add this exact little boy to our family at this exact time. 

So, Simon Paul Smith, we can't wait to meet you and kiss your sweet face and introduce you to the other best kids we've ever known.

38 weeks - Abram
38 weeks - Selah
37.5 weeks - Simon


  1. Congrats! We don't have our fb account activated anymore, so I heard the news from Norma. Looking forward to seeing everyone this summer (and meeting Simon!) . ~Hutchinsons


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