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...of three (and a half) months

Well, Simon's three month post is coming to you late, as usual. Man. Three kids and overseas/cross country travel really puts a damper on the blog thing. Anyway,  here's an update on the Si Guy.

Right before his three month birthday, we went to the doctor and he was 5.6 kg or about 12 lbs 6 oz. On formula, he has jumped up from the 5th percentile for weight at two months to the 25th at three months! Not sure if he'll keep shooting up there or that's where he will plateau. We might take him to see our old, wonderful pediatrician in Austin before we head home for his four month check up.

Since we started formula, our nights have gotten so, so much better. He can go up to 10 hours without eating (he's done that once), but his normal night starts around 8pm. He sleeps until around 3am, eats quickly and goes right back to sleep until around 8am. Sometimes he will go back to sleep after that, but he usually gets up for a little bit and heads back down for a nap not too long after waking up. His naps have been erratic because of all the visiting we've been up to. He seldom sleeps in the car seat, but normally takes his best naps in the Beco carrier (with Quinn) or the wrap (with me).
Today, he miraculously took a two hour morning nap in his own bed! Not sure if we are starting something new or it was just a fluke.

So we started formula about a month ago. And it's been so much better for him. I felt some guilt at first at not being about to continue breastfeeding, but we realized he was almost literally starving. Poor guy. He just wasn't good at nursing. We thought the tongue tie revision at nine weeks would change everything, but it didn't. I'm not sure if we were too late or if his really high palette was the problem, but it just wasn't working for any of us. When we finally started formula full time, he started putting on healthy weight and sleeping so much better. Then we had to figure out (or admit) that he had acid reflux. He was horribly unhappy 90% of the time he was awake. Angry, screaming, fussy.
Then he would spit up and have a few happy minutes until the next time he needed to spit up. And this kid spits up a lot.
I took him to a doctor in Colorado, she prescribed Zantac, he started it, and he's been like a different child. Not only is his sleeping better, but he is now happy 90% of the time. It's been a real God-send and answer to prayer.

Believe it or not, I'm pretty sure he is busting through his first tooth as we speak. Teething at three months sounds insane. Especially since we know kids who don't have teeth at one year. But the other kids got their first teeth at four months. Strangely, Abram got his first teeth while we were visiting our friends in the UAE/Oman and Selah got hers in Boise when we were here last. Maybe he knew he needed to keep with tradition and get his first teeth somewhere other than at home. Four months would have been too late :) I think I actually felt it starting to poke through today. He's had a white spot there for almost two weeks, so I wouldn't be surprised. But if it's the case, he's broken a family record!

He's finally started relaxing his hands and grabbing at stuff. He's super alert and smiley when he's awake and he's talking (cooing) more now. He absolutely loves bath time, but hates being taken out of the bath.

 He's getting into the stage of infancy that Quinn and I admittedly like so much more than the newborn stage. I'm excited for him to get more interactive with his brother and sister and us.

He's quite the handsome buddy and for all of the difficulties we had through the first few months, we wouldn't trade it for all the full nights of sleep in a lifetime.

Here are some pics of a few of the people that Simon has had the privilege of meeting for the first time on this trip:

Great Grandpa Shockley
Great Aunt Kris
 Aunt Hilary
Great Aunt Pam
Cousin Lizzy
Family friend, Anne.
Great Aunt Cindy
Great Grandma Smith
Bopa and cousin Silas

Happy three months, SiMan! We all love you so much!



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