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Showing posts from November, 2014

...of gluten free?

Simon is 8 months old. Due to a lack of variety in packaged baby foods and a lack of time on my part, he doesn't have the most diverse diet. He pretty much sticks to apples, blueberries, pears, and bananas, pumpkin, butternut squash, sweet potato, green beans, green peas, chicken and yogurt. We've tried beef (today), mango (once), and he's had carrots, potatoes, and prunes. He had rice cereal a lot when he was younger and then we ran out and I had a container of baby oatmeal cereal. But every time I would give that to him, he would spit up (or more like throw up) a ton for about a day afterward. I've tried giving him Holland toast - which he liked - but the same thing happened. And he looooves the Gerber puffs, but he spits up more the next day if I give him too many of those as well. So, not sure if it's a gluten thing (since the oatmeal seemed to do it to him as well), but we are experimenting with some things. He basically wants to grab any food at all that ha...

...of 7 month Simon

Yeah right. I don't think I've been actually "on the verge" with any birthday post in many, many months. I am thinking maybe I need to change the name of this blog to "Better Late Than Never". You know, in the interest of honesty. Anyway. Here are Simon's seven month stats, for curiosity and posterity. Weight:  Had him weighed with clothes on and before he had finally really pooped for the first time in a few days, so not sure if that skewed that number. But he was 8.4kg! That's 18.5 lbs! I guess that's about the 50th percentile, which is just like Selah at his age. He does not feel or look that big to me. I think that's mostly because he is literally my little monkey. I think I could completely let go of him when he's on my hip and he wouldn't fall off. Clothing size: 6 months. Very perfectly. Pulled out some new 6-9 sleepers that are a little big, but the 6 month ones are almost too short. Eating: 5 bottle feedings a da...