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...of 7 month Simon

Yeah right. I don't think I've been actually "on the verge" with any birthday post in many, many months. I am thinking maybe I need to change the name of this blog to "Better Late Than Never". You know, in the interest of honesty.

Anyway. Here are Simon's seven month stats, for curiosity and posterity.

Weight: Had him weighed with clothes on and before he had finally really pooped for the first time in a few days, so not sure if that skewed that number. But he was 8.4kg! That's 18.5 lbs! I guess that's about the 50th percentile, which is just like Selah at his age. He does not feel or look that big to me. I think that's mostly because he is literally my little monkey. I think I could completely let go of him when he's on my hip and he wouldn't fall off.

Clothing size: 6 months. Very perfectly. Pulled out some new 6-9 sleepers that are a little big, but the 6 month ones are almost too short.

Eating: 5 bottle feedings a day:
               -Anywhere from 2-6am
             Then solid food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He is doing great with pretty much all fruits and vegetables we've introduced. We may be having a problem with wheat (gluten). He did fine with rice cereal, but whenever I give him oatmeal baby cereal, he spits up the entire rest of the day. I gave him Holland Toast the same day I gave him oatmeal and yogurt and it was a crazy upchuck day. So, we are wiping the slate clean and going to add each thing one by one to see how he handles everything. Also, he has looooved chicken, but seemed to get really fussy an hour or so after that. He just seems to have a bit of a sensitive stomach...

Sleeping: Bedtime around 8. Wake up around 9 (give or take 30 minutes). Nap around 10:30 to 12:30. Nap around 3 to 4:30. There are off days (like today), but he is normally a pretty predictable sleeper. I am not going off of a schedule, but off of intervals. He basically doesn't make it (willingly) more than two hours awake, but we push him at bedtime and we are usually in melt down mode by the time we get there. But it's like, we're used to it now, so it doesn't phase any of us anymore. It's just what he does.

Teeth: Two bottoms. I think he's teething now. But I want to say I see something happening on the sides of the bottom and not the top center. He's been veeeeeery fussy the last few days, so I'm looking out for something big to happen soon and I'm cutting him some slack :)
(See those bottom two under all the squash?)

Favorite things: 
   -Any other Smith.
   -Gerber Puffs. I feel a little bad for already introducing them to him already, but I wanted him to work on swallowing with his high palate in hopes of getting more tongue action on it and having it spread out on it's own.
   -Mirrors (still)
   -Being thrown up in the air
   -Chewing on anything
Least favorite things:
   -Riding in his car seat for longer than 15 minutes.
   -Being rocked like a baby when being put to sleep
   -Being tired or hungry. Man he's a vocal kid.

Brother/Sisterness: Loves 'em. Like major. They love him, too, except when he grabs their hair when they get too close. Every. Single. Time. He took a pretty big fistful out of the back of Selah's head tonight when I hadn't noticed he'd gotten her. Poor girl. I am working on helping them understand putting toys just out of his reach to help encourage him to scoot (he started the invisible scoot today, so we are close!) They either just give him the toy or put it way too far away.

Potential Personality Traits: He is, overall, an incredibly happy kid. It makes it easy to decipher when something is going on, like teething or illness. He isn't even on reflux meds any more! He still spits up, and I can tell it still bothers him a bit, but we started phasing it out last month and he has seemed fine. It's super easy to get him to smile. He likes to be held, but is ok being put down to explore things around him and does NOT like to be rocked to sleep. He pinches the back of my arm like a lobster if I tip him back to rock him and he'd rather just be put in his bed. All our kids were like that. They love their beds so much that it's difficult to get them to sleep anywhere else or any other way. It's possible, just difficult :)

I know most of these pictures have already run the social media circuit, but I don't have access to the good camera right now. Although, there aren't many pictures to choose from on that anyway. I'm trying to be better about using the nice camera, so maybe next month will be a little better.

Anyway, we love this little monkey and can't wait to see the boy and man God will shape him into.


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