The Backstory In the Fall of 2015 Quinn and I both felt the Lord putting a 4th child on our hearts. We have felt the pull toward adoption since we were first married and knew that the Lord would let us know when the time was right for that. So we prayed that He would either let us get pregnant quickly or we would start the adoption process and know that was the route He wanted us to go. We got pregnant that week, so we felt like that was it. Then Trisomy 21 happened . And we lost our sweet 4th child, Joanna , at 18 weeks (links to those blog posts, if you haven't read them and want to). During the five short weeks we "knew" her, God gave us so much grace in preparing us to do whatever was necessary to take care of her special needs. So one of the things that Quinn and I both felt sure of was that Joanna's little life opened our eyes to see special needs in a new light; something we didn’t need to fear, but could embrace with God’s help. So, in February of 2017...