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...of Simon's 8.5 months (in honor of his 4th birthday)

I just found this post from more than 3 years ago about Simon that I never posted! He is hours away from turning 4, so I thought I'd post it for fun. So glad that he now sleeps through the night and eats any food that we eat. And he doesn't toss his cookies any more, for which I am veeeery grateful.
Simon turned 8 months on November 17th (Abram's 4th birthday). In the interest of fairness, I am doing a post for each of the kids on their recent age milestones. Here is an update on Simon's 8th month of life!

Weight: 8.6 kgs (That's almost 19 lbs and the 45th percentile) and 74cm (about 29.5 inches and the 90th percentile for length). He definitely does NOT have a problem with weight gain, like he had his first few months of life. Phew!

Clothing size: 9 months. Because of the length. Actually, Quinn put him in a 3 month onsie the other day and he didn't look too absurd. But sleepers are a definite 9 months because he doesn't fit in anything else. I guess that means most of his length is in his legs??
Eating: 4-5 bottle feedings a day:
               -For the last two weeks, every other night he wakes up sometime from 3:30-5:30am, the other nights he sleeps all 12 hours.
               -When he sleeps all night, 7:30/8:30. If he wakes up in the early morning he sleeps until around 9:30am.
             Then solid food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We finally introduced yogurt, which he now has almost every day for one meal. He also like black beans, chicken, orange veggies, peas, apples, bananas. He's had bread and hummus and seemed fine. But he still tosses his cookies every once in awhile and I can't figure out why. He does it with wheat sometimes, with rice at other times. Who knows.

Sleeping: Bed around 7:30/8. If he's had a late night, he might stay up playing in his bed until 9 (like last night...) Then he usually takes a nap around 10:30 to 12/12:30. And then one around 2:30/3 to 4:30. Sometimes he stays awake for a few hours after eating in the early morning and then basically takes a first nap from 7:30-9:30am and then everything is pushes back. So we don't really have a hard and fast schedule. We have a usual.

Teeth: Two bottoms. I feel like he's been teething for the last month. I am waiting and waiting for those top two teeth to come through. I can see them pushing down now, so hopefully they will break through soon!

Favorite things: 
   -Daddy, Mommy, Abram, or Selah
   -Any toy.
   -Gerber Puffs

Least favorite things:
    -Being tired or hungry
    -Being left in his high chair too long
    -Anyone other than me or Quinn holding him. Although today was a milestone. A friend of mine had him outside with her while I read inside for at least 30 minutes and he didn't cry once. But then he bawled when the high school girl that watched the kids during small group held him (so he stayed with us.)

Brother/Sisterness: Now that he's crawling (still the army crawl, but really darn fast) he goes straight for anything they are playing with on the floor. So now we have a little window of time when they could play on the coffee table and he won't be able to get to anything. But I know he's going to be pulling up soon and that will all be over. So they'll have to learn to deal with it at some point. Right now I'm playing up the whole "Baby Godzilla" thing and hoping it helps them (read: Abram) start to laugh instead of crying about it. But that works for only a few moments while I'm working my bum off putting on this crazy show for him and then he remembers his tower was destroyed and is upset again. So it's not entirely worth it. We will have to work on learning patience...

The last month was epic. He was learning to crawl and is trying to sit himself up and pull up and those darn teeth are really giving him a hard time, I can tell. It was literally four weeks of crazy fusiness and poor sleep. But I'm pretty sure we've turned a corner and he's been much more amiable and sleeping quite a bit better. The fact that he sleeps 12 hours every other night, makes me think that the morning wake up is a schedule thing and not a hunger thing. It's pretty consistent, so hopefully he gets over that soon and starts doing it every night. Here's hoping!

Love you, Simon Paul. You are an amazing kid and I can't wait to see the boy and man God grows you up to be!


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