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... of the big wait.

It awaiting the birth of the baby, there were a few events that we were hoping we would get to attend before he came. I have to admit that there were times I wished that he would come early and we just wouldn't be able to make it. However, we have passed that final event and I am glad that he has waited to grace us with his presence.

The final event was the wedding of one of Quinn's best friends. Akintunde Omitowoju is a Nigerian who grew up in between Nigerian and America and became a computer programmer. Akin moved to Japan for 5 years from 2003 to 2008 and in that time, he came to realize how much he loved Japan and will now tell anyone that he feels Japanese at heart. So how appropriate that he would meet and befriend a Japanese girl at his church in Japan who he began to date after he had moved back to Austin and started working with Quinn at Retro. Masami Nishida moved to America just a few weeks ago and their wedding was Saturday night! We were all praying that Abram would allow us to attend the wedding and he was apparently happy to oblige.

This was the coolest wedding I've ever attended. A Christian wedding between a Nigerian and a Japanese in America that was held at a place in Austin called "The Wizarding Academy"... Apparently, the Wizarding Academy has nothing to do with witchcraft, but with adult learning retreats (???). It's in the Texas hill country and is incredibly beautiful. The guests were dressed in everything from traditional American wedding attire, to traditional Japanese wedding attire, to traditional Nigerian wedding attire. We sang hymns in English and then Japanese and then listened to performances of Nigerian worship music. Super cool.

So now, Abram is allowed to come at any time... :) Like we have anything to do with when he is going to show up. If I had my way he would come around Wednesday this week. But we'll see. The doctor has said that I am a good candidate for 39 week induction and that would be Monday, the 22nd. So, essentially, we are going to have a baby sometime in the nexy week!!! That's pretty trippy. It's actually here and all of this waiting will pay off very, very soon. I think I'm a little more ready than Quinn. I'm not sure that he will be ready until he's actually holding his son. Hopefully that blog post will be coming soon!!


  1. Woo-Hoo! How exciting! Anaka, you look so cute!

  2. Who knows how to find Akintunde? Steve from East TN state is looking for him. I lost him in Kyoto years ago. Turns out 411 does not exist for the gaijin in Japan. Mr Konami had him under wraps so it seems. Tunde hit me up.

    Steve Maden on FB.. stay safe with you and yours my friend.

    Anybody who knows Tunde, please pass this on to him, Mention Frank Clement residence hall and he will know its me....


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