We are at eleven days with the baby (nine at home). My parents have come and gone for Thanksgiving and baby viewing. My mom is in love. And very helpful. We got spoiled with the food preparation, laundry, diaper changing, and burping. My dad did some much needed chores around the house and I was so very thankful to have them here. Quinn's mom gets here in four days. While we are enjoying a (relatively) quiet night at home alone for pretty much the first time, by tonight we are going to be counting the hours until she gets here.
Here are some highlights from the last few days:
Aunt Liesl and Uncle Eric came up to visit the day after Thanksgiving. We wish they lived closer, but San Antonio isn't TOO far away...
Our neighbors, Bryan and Norma and their two year old, Ryan, came to visit. Ryan is very good at focusing on cameras for pictures, but he doesn't actually smile until after the picture is taken :) Super cute.
So essencially, we still have a healthy, snuggly baby and we feel so blessed! He IS have some bowel movement issues. Like, he used to have them regularly and now he is going days without having one. We've taken him to the doctor to figure something out, but they say it's just that he's not eating enough. I fee like he's eating enough and he acts like he is trying really hard to get something out sometimes. I feel for him, ya know? And it makes me very sad when he is unhappy. Again, more prayer would be greatly appreciated.
There ya go. Some cute baby pictures and some pictures of random people. Just what you always wanted! Merry Christmas.
Hey Anaka! This is Amanda Hart (Heinly)... I just wanted to say congrats and I loved reading your blog! Babram is so precious and adorable! So, I was reading about the bowel movement issues and I don't know if this will help, but Avery had some issues too. She would go for a few days to a week without having a bowel movement. You will want to ask your doctor, but my doctor told me not to worry about it. He said that a lot of times, they just "use" up everything they eat. He said that we could give her a little bit of prune juice or apple juice. We did that one day, and within an hour, she had the most massive blow-out ever! haha I have also heard that you can stick a thermometer up his little bottom, and sometimes it helps get things moving... haha I hope this helps! Either way, I will be praying that you all get healthy soon! Love you!
ReplyDeleteHey sweet girl! Def praying for y'all for health and sanity :) my good friend said the thermometer trick worked well for her!! Much love! Brit
ReplyDeleteI'm still in complete and total awe of you. Baby-abe looks even cuter than I remember (if that's even possible) I love the pictures of you and him. You're a beautiful mom. Just saying. Hope I can see you over the break. Please let me know if I can help you with anything. (I can cook edible food) Sending good-juju your way.