My life has been consumed by Abram for the last fifteen and a half weeks. Therefore, my blog has been consumed by Abram for the last... more than fifteen and a half weeks. I was such a complainer during my pregnancy (especially during the last trimester) that the last many months of my blog have been consumed by Abram.
I just returned from a baby shower for a friend that had her baby at 29 weeks. Praise God, Elliot Grace is a tough little cookie and is doing amazingly well, but my friend recently told me that she was mourning the loss of her third trimester. This made me realize that as tough as those last three months were, I am so glad that Abram was born full term and very healthy. I told Quinn that next time I promise to be much less complainy and count my many, many blessings...
Just had to put that in writing so I can read it and remember my promise when that time comes and I am tempted to forget.
I made a quilt for Miss Elliot Grace and documented the process, just for fun. Abram helped a little (by being calm and playing on the floor while I worked - sometimes). I am definitely not a quilter and I don't think I ever will be, but it was fun and hopefully she will get some good use out of it.
It all started out as a big pile of 3"x3" squares.
The back.

Abram helping out.
The top finished.
I just returned from a baby shower for a friend that had her baby at 29 weeks. Praise God, Elliot Grace is a tough little cookie and is doing amazingly well, but my friend recently told me that she was mourning the loss of her third trimester. This made me realize that as tough as those last three months were, I am so glad that Abram was born full term and very healthy. I told Quinn that next time I promise to be much less complainy and count my many, many blessings...
Just had to put that in writing so I can read it and remember my promise when that time comes and I am tempted to forget.
I made a quilt for Miss Elliot Grace and documented the process, just for fun. Abram helped a little (by being calm and playing on the floor while I worked - sometimes). I am definitely not a quilter and I don't think I ever will be, but it was fun and hopefully she will get some good use out of it.
It turned out kind of a strange size: long and skinny. So I call it a "play quilt". Like, she can play on it. Really it's just my way of justifying the fact that it won't work as a blanket.
So there's some variety for the blog. Quilts.
... aaaand on a final baby note, Abram is sitting up on his own enough to mildly enjoy a bumbo type activity chair. Hurray for self entertainment.

So there's some variety for the blog. Quilts.
... aaaand on a final baby note, Abram is sitting up on his own enough to mildly enjoy a bumbo type activity chair. Hurray for self entertainment.
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