Abram had his four month check up today. Here are the stats: 12lb 9.6oz and 25.25 inches long. So he hasn't doubled his birth weight yet, but we are close! He is in the 55% for height and the 20% for weight. The doctor also added that he is really strong and has great muscle tone, even though he's skinny. So, basically, he is exactly like his dad. Tall, skinny, and deceptively strong.
He has had a tough week this week. traveling from Austin to San Antonio and back (4 hours) Saturday, from Austin to Paris, TX (6 hours) Monday, from Paris to Poteau, OK and back (5 hours) Tuesday, and Paris to Austin (6 hours) Wednesday. Needless to say he does not enjoy his car seat very much right now. Nana was in town - which was the reason for the trip to see family - and she got some good pictures from the week.
Here he is hanging with Aunt Liesl at a burger place in San Antonio. By the way, she is the only person we can liken Abram to at the moment. Which greatly confuses Quinn and I...
Nana got a smiley picture at the beginning of the journey:
My grandparents and uncle live in Paris and my great grandmother, who is 99, lives in Poteau. So we wanted to get a picture of five generations, in case we didn't get another chance. So here it is!

Abram also got to play with his third cousins.

So now that we are back, we've had some fussy days and we thought we would try to implement a naptime routine because he gets so fussy when he's sleepy and then refuses to sleep. We were totally prepared to let him cry it out a few times and see if he would catch on. Well, we did it a few times yesterday and it seemed to work. But for the last two months or so, Abram has developed a 30 minute internal nap clock. We could never get him to sleep longer than 30 minutes, even though we knew he was tired. Today, he missed his morning 30 minute nap because of the doctor and was incredibly fussy. But he fell asleep on the car ride home and I transfered him to his crib. He slept for about 30 minutes, but I left him alone and he fell back to sleep and slept for another hour and a half!! Then I woke him up to feed him, and he fell asleep while eating and has been passed out for another 30 minutes or so. I am hoping he is not sick or anything. He got some vaccinations today. Maybe it's normal for them to be sleepy or something. Hmmm... Well, I know that too much daytime sleep can be a bad thing, too. So I think we'll head out for a walk in a bit. I just hope that maybe it's the start of the sleep consolidation that should have started a month ago. That would be excellent.
And one final pic of Abram sitting up with very little help!
He has had a tough week this week. traveling from Austin to San Antonio and back (4 hours) Saturday, from Austin to Paris, TX (6 hours) Monday, from Paris to Poteau, OK and back (5 hours) Tuesday, and Paris to Austin (6 hours) Wednesday. Needless to say he does not enjoy his car seat very much right now. Nana was in town - which was the reason for the trip to see family - and she got some good pictures from the week.
Nana got a smiley picture at the beginning of the journey:
My grandparents and uncle live in Paris and my great grandmother, who is 99, lives in Poteau. So we wanted to get a picture of five generations, in case we didn't get another chance. So here it is!

Abram also got to play with his third cousins.
So now that we are back, we've had some fussy days and we thought we would try to implement a naptime routine because he gets so fussy when he's sleepy and then refuses to sleep. We were totally prepared to let him cry it out a few times and see if he would catch on. Well, we did it a few times yesterday and it seemed to work. But for the last two months or so, Abram has developed a 30 minute internal nap clock. We could never get him to sleep longer than 30 minutes, even though we knew he was tired. Today, he missed his morning 30 minute nap because of the doctor and was incredibly fussy. But he fell asleep on the car ride home and I transfered him to his crib. He slept for about 30 minutes, but I left him alone and he fell back to sleep and slept for another hour and a half!! Then I woke him up to feed him, and he fell asleep while eating and has been passed out for another 30 minutes or so. I am hoping he is not sick or anything. He got some vaccinations today. Maybe it's normal for them to be sleepy or something. Hmmm... Well, I know that too much daytime sleep can be a bad thing, too. So I think we'll head out for a walk in a bit. I just hope that maybe it's the start of the sleep consolidation that should have started a month ago. That would be excellent.
And one final pic of Abram sitting up with very little help!
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