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... of selling out to the stroller "man"

Update: I've found my perfect stroller. But I can't have it. Or can I?

I am the world's biggest bargain shopper. I'm the kind of person who receives a compliment on an article of clothing and responds with, "I got it for two dollars!" (You know, instead of just taking the compliment). So anytime I've had to make a very large purchase, I do A LOT of research, and then I scour the internet for deals, check craigslist in every major surrounding city, stalk ebay, wait a year and finally find something that ends up being non-returnable and not quite what I wanted. Needless to say, bargain hunting can be a good trait, but it can sometimes override common sense.

I've done a lot of research in the last day on double strollers. You read my last post. I had it narrowed down. I thought. Then I took Abram out to a few stores, strapped him in a few strollers, and lamented how every double stroller would just end up being something we would want to get rid of in the next year because we wouldn't want to push a limousine if one of the kids just wanted to walk. So I did more research. And I found this:

It's the Baby Jogger City Select (and here's a video)

You may know about it. You may have pined over it as well. But for those of you who don't know, it's a regular sized single stroller that you can buy a second seat and/or car seat adapters for which attach to the bottom and it becomes a double stroller. And not only a double stroller; a double stroller that can hold a newborn, two toddlers, reclined, facing, not facing, both forward, both backward with a telescoping handle, large basket underneath, hand brake, rubber wheels, easy fold up, and is maneuverable, not too heavy, good for walks and light runs, and good for years as a single or a double.

Deep breath.

So great, right? But they know it's great. And they know they can charge for that greatness. The stroller: $500. The second seat: $170. The car seat adapter: $60

So what do I do? Do I stick to a big, heavy, long double stroller that won't last our family for as long? Or do I ask for this from every single family member and friend that I have for Selah's birth present? Is it worth it? Tell me I'm crazy.


  1. Hi :) We have a Baby Jogger City Mini and I have to say that it is the BEST stroller ever, hands down (and as a general rule I hate strollers). We looked at a lot of strollers and on a whim we were at a store and were immediately drawn to it because of the color (ours is orange) as this type of stroller wasn't in our price range to really even look at. (But our kiddo has a very nice uncle ;)) It is the only stroller we've ever had and no complaints. We got the carrier adapter for it and it is super easy to use and doesn't get in the way when you fold it up but I haven't flown with it yet, so can't help you there. So if this one is similar to the one we have I think you might fall in love. Sorry I couldn't say that I hate it :)

  2. Strollers are hard! We paid 500 for out bob jogger and it really is worth the money. It's amazing. But I can' take it to the mall or anything!! SO we got a joovy ultralight sit and stand. I really like it. Not too big, the toddler can sit on the little seat or stand up behind. It folds pretty easy and the lightweight version is a little easier to carry!!! Its not too pricey either. (I actually got it off of craigslist - I was lucky though!! hard to find!) We have so many strollers!! Its annoying! Jogger, umbrella, travel system, double - our garage is embarrassing! THat city select looked interesting. Hmmmmm.....


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