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... of a soup peddler

I didn't really know what to call this one. I almost called it "...of something about soup", but then I remembered the Austin company called The Soup Peddler. I've never gotten soup from them, but I always thought it sounded like a cool idea. Everyone loves soup. These people make it and then deliver it on bikes to neighborhoods around Austin on certain days. Pretty awesome, right? I used to live down by their "headquarters". I wish I had tried it when I lived in one of their neighborhoods. Those of us east of I-35 suffer sometimes and not being able to have soup delivered on a bike to my house is just one of those ways. Another is the sad lack of a near by coffee shop, but I won't go there because we do have a lot of great breakfast taco restaurants and trailers, so it sort of balances out.


My spontaneity got the best of my today at the grocery store. As I saw a mom ask her son to pick her out a butternut squash I thought, "I've never made butternut squash. I should!" So I bought one thinking I would make soup. How hard could it be, right? It's like blended up butternut squash. And Abram used to like the butternut squash baby food... Soup is like grown up baby food... He'd love it!

I was right that it is relatively easy. It will be easier the next time I make it. I learned some things. But overall, it was pretty easy and oh, so tasty. Here is the recipe and documentation of my initiation into soup cheffery:

  • 1 (2 to 3 pound) butternut squash, peeled and seeded
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 6 cups chicken stock
  • Nutmeg
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Cut squash into 1-inch chunks.

(Probably the hardest part for me. I had to do it with Abram strapped to my back in the Beco because he really wanted to be held this evening. So next time, hopefully not so hard.)

In large pot melt butter. Add onion and cook until translucent, about 8 minutes.

Add squash and stock. Bring to a simmer and cook until squash is tender, about 15 to 20 minutes.

Remove squash chunks with slotted spoon and place in a blender.


(This regular blender stunk. I ended up transferring it to my Magic Bullet Knockoff, which worked a lot better.)

Return blended squash to pot. Stir and season with nutmeg, salt, and pepper.

(Maybe doesn't look all that beautiful, but it was tasty - trust me)


I made some changes because of lack of ingredients. Like, my squash was about 2 lbs uncut. And I only had 4 cups of broth. So mine turned out to be about 3 servings. But 3 oh so good servings. I am a big fan of butternut squash soup and I can only hope that, tomorrow, Abram will discover the same thing. I'll let you know.

Did I mention that I made this at about 8:30pm because I had already cubed the squash earlier today? Quinn said he wasn't hungry and he wanted to go to bed early, so I finished my soup at 9:30, he went to bed, and I am enjoying my soup, The Office, and some quiet blogging time alone. I need to go to the pharmacy to pick up Abram's pink eye medication in hopes that his two little very, very red eyes will start to feel better quicker. Better do that before midnight, I guess.

To soup!


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