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... of 7 months

She's back!  I can't believe it's already time for her 7 month post.  Time flies when you are moving to a new country and trying to get settled in when you have little to nothing but clothes.  Selah has been doing really well with the transition, overall.  We had about a week of jetlag and day/night confusion, but that was expected and she reverted back into her wonderful night sleeping fairly quickly.  She is sick now, though, and is coughing quite a lot (Abram and I are, too).  Abram had a fever and cough for a week and when we finally took him into a doctor here, a chest x-ray confirmed Pneumonia.  He started antibiotics and his fever is gone, but his cough is not.  But he's acting more normal. The day we took him to the doctor, Selah started to get a cough.  She's has a low grade fever for a few days and the cough has gotten worse, but we started her on antibiotics that the doctor prescribed for her in case she started to get the same thing as Abram.  She's on day #3 of them and the cough and runny nose are horrible, but the fever seems to be gone.  We are really hoping and praying against all the illness that has hit us these first few weeks over here.  It's pretty crippling and annoying.  Katie and I are sick with a version of it right now and my cough is really hurting my chest and head.  

All around yuck.  But for the most part, Selah has been pretty happy, all things considered.  So here are the stats for her 7th month:

Date: November 21, 2012

Weight: No idea. She doesn't seem to have gotten heavier in my arms and she is lengthening out a bit and seems a little lankier.  

Clothing size: Still in 6 months.

Feedings per day: 5.  She's been consistent with that for awhile.  Her middle three feedings I offer her solids. 

She only eats maybe half of a little food jar worth.  I'm making her baby food (because over here they only have fruit baby food...) and she's eating carrots, sweet potatoes, pears, and bananas.  She's had peas, but I haven't been able to get any here yet.  So that's next.

Naps: 3 a day (usually).  1.5-2 hours in the morning, 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon, and 30-45 minutes in the early evening.  Sometimes they are shorter, but it doesn't mess with her bedtime much, which is a blessing.
 (This is not normal. A fluke day where she fell back asleep in the morning and Quinn was still asleep.  Too cute not to capture.)

New skills: Sitting up on her own.  
Rolling back and forth in order to reach something.  Grabbing anything and everything she can get her hands on. Lunging herself forward; maybe about to crawl...?

Favorite thing: Sophie.  Abram.  Being tossed in the air.

Least favorite thing: Having her face (nose) wiped with anything other than my fingers (gross).  Sad, because there is a lot of nose wiping and consequent crying happening over here lately.

Potential Personality traits:  She's been babbling a lot.  Maybe she will be a talker?  We thought she was going to be a quiet little one based on how little she cried, but she does like to make noises, so we'll see.

Brother/Sisterness: Abram loves to give her (germy, slobbery) things of his and we are working on that, because she gladly accepts them by putting them straight into her mouth.  If she's laying next to him, she has to grab him, which he seems to like, even though he kind of pretends that he doesn't.

Overall, she is a very amazing little girl.  We feel blessed by her every day.  Her amiable disposition is a gift and we are so thankful for her.

Love you, Selah Christine!

(Hate that I had to take this pic with our point and shoot...)


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