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... of being on the move

"Hey baby, let me show you my moves."

Well, you've all seen the videos, so you know as well as I do that we now have a very mobile baby. He doesn't have the traditional crawl down (although he is trying), but he is almost as unstoppable in army crawl mode.

So now he likes to spend even more time on his tummy than he did before. This means that I must to try to be better about vacuuming and keeping the floor clean. Chelsea came today and she helped me out a ton with the floors and with Abram (some of these pictures are Chelsea originals...) She spent about 30 minutes in the pool with Abram, who spent the whole time on his belly dragging himself around in the water, splashing, and chewing on his toys.

As if we didn't already have an issue with him putting things in his mouth, he has officially been teething this week (fevers, diarrhea, and all). His two top teeth have broken through and I'm hoping that will all cool down for a while.

He's been chewing on the spoon when we put it into his mouth and it's made eating just a bit more messy than usual.

Although Daddy was just a little impatient during this feeding and contributed a bit to the mess level .

Abram is also working on standing a little more.

He's been able to stand on his legs since he was about 4 months old, but now I can let him stand on his own for awhile if he's holding on to something. He hasn't quite gotten the weight shifting down enough to take any steps, but he's working on it.

And I find it so funny that he has all of these toys, but when left to choose what he would like to play with, he will always go for the weirdest thing.

Like the knob on the drawer in his room.

So our little boy is getting less and less like a baby every day. Today he wouldn't put his tongue in his mouth and he was blowing raspberries all day. We did not teach him that. Chelsea did not teach him that. Apparently, babies have built in defiance mechanisms. That's our sin nature, I suppose.

On the homefront, I decided to make these cool little treats that I saw on Pinterest tonight. My mom was thinking about doing them too and I have to say they were very easy. Not quite as easy as just buying chocolate covered pretzels (which is essentially what they are), but they are much cuter.

You take small pretzel twist and put a Kiss on the tops:

Unwrapping the Kisses is the most tedious part:

Then put them in the oven at 275 for 3 minutes, just enough to get them soft...

And push MnM's into the centers before they cool:

And refrigerate them!
But make sure a ziplock of carrots doesn't fall on them while they are still melty :(

Let them cool and harden. And then feed them to your husband:

Who will make awesome faces that you can share with the world on your blog.

With that, I must say good night so I can get to bed at some sort of a reasonable hour... say 11?

(Super cute Chelsea original)


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