Well, Nana just left :( We were all very happy to have her around for many reasons, the greatest of which was that Abram got to see her and get to know her more. She is a wonderful grandmother and a fantastic mother. Whenever she comes, she always helps me do all of the chores that I have meant to do, but haven't been able to get to. And she does it in a way that doesn't make me feel like she is insinuating that I should have gotten to them before she got there. I love her. A lot. She was so willing to help with Abram and with fixing food and cleaning and laundry and I feel very lucky that she is a teacher that can come and visit for an extended period of time during the summer.
Thank you, Mom, for giving up part of your hard earned rest time to come to us and help us out so very much!
One of the reasons she comes down to Texas (from Colorado) for so long is that my sister and brother in law live in San Antonio and her mom and dad and brother live in North Texas (Paris). We were actually lucky enough to get to spend my sister's birthday with her this year! She and Eric both had the day off, which was very unusual and so we went down to San Antonio to spend the day with them. I have to admit that I was a little worried about how Abram would do and I had a little bit of a break down when he threw up quite a bit a few times, he hadn't taken a good nap, we only had one diaper left, and I wasn't at home with all of my "resources". But he ended up fine and I was glad we went in the end. Abram had his first day in a pool and he really enjoyed it.

I was thinking about signing him up for swim classes at the Y, but I was aiming for July, it's now July and I think I've missed it. Maybe there's another time that will work. I sure hope so, because it seems like he is a water baby like his dad.
Then we ate really good Bigz burgers and strawberry shortcake in celebration of Liesl's 27th birthday (!) and took some "family" photos with our baby and Liesl and Eric's baby.
Fenway is a pretty rambunctious Vizsla. He is, ultimately, pretty sweet, but is still a little nippy, jumpy puppy. Let's just say there wasn't a lot of Abram/Fenway time. Abram would have come out of that a bit damaged, I'm sure.

So, now we have a little less than a month before Abram and I head to Colorado for a few days and then Quinn joins us on our way to Boise for a few days. We are always glad to get to see our family and I just hope that Abram gets over the little bit of stranger anxiety he is experiencing in the next month. Colorado will be pretty low key - I don't have much family there expect my mom, dad and grandpa. But Idaho is sure to be an Abram-passing fest, as Quinn has about a bajillion family members that we will be seeing over a 4 day period.
I'm sure it will be fine. He's changing and growing everyday and will probably be very different even in the next month. I estimate the actual crawl is a matter of a week or so away. He has one top tooth that has broken through and the other one is probably not far behind. He is babbling a lot (I've taught him to say "la la la" - which is really just opening and closing his mouth with his tongue hanging out), and (TMI, but PTL) I haven't had to pump poop out of that baby for at least a week! :)
On that note... here is a good bye photo of our little fam:
Thank you, Mom, for giving up part of your hard earned rest time to come to us and help us out so very much!
One of the reasons she comes down to Texas (from Colorado) for so long is that my sister and brother in law live in San Antonio and her mom and dad and brother live in North Texas (Paris). We were actually lucky enough to get to spend my sister's birthday with her this year! She and Eric both had the day off, which was very unusual and so we went down to San Antonio to spend the day with them. I have to admit that I was a little worried about how Abram would do and I had a little bit of a break down when he threw up quite a bit a few times, he hadn't taken a good nap, we only had one diaper left, and I wasn't at home with all of my "resources". But he ended up fine and I was glad we went in the end. Abram had his first day in a pool and he really enjoyed it.
I was thinking about signing him up for swim classes at the Y, but I was aiming for July, it's now July and I think I've missed it. Maybe there's another time that will work. I sure hope so, because it seems like he is a water baby like his dad.
Then we ate really good Bigz burgers and strawberry shortcake in celebration of Liesl's 27th birthday (!) and took some "family" photos with our baby and Liesl and Eric's baby.
Fenway is a pretty rambunctious Vizsla. He is, ultimately, pretty sweet, but is still a little nippy, jumpy puppy. Let's just say there wasn't a lot of Abram/Fenway time. Abram would have come out of that a bit damaged, I'm sure.
So, now we have a little less than a month before Abram and I head to Colorado for a few days and then Quinn joins us on our way to Boise for a few days. We are always glad to get to see our family and I just hope that Abram gets over the little bit of stranger anxiety he is experiencing in the next month. Colorado will be pretty low key - I don't have much family there expect my mom, dad and grandpa. But Idaho is sure to be an Abram-passing fest, as Quinn has about a bajillion family members that we will be seeing over a 4 day period.
I'm sure it will be fine. He's changing and growing everyday and will probably be very different even in the next month. I estimate the actual crawl is a matter of a week or so away. He has one top tooth that has broken through and the other one is probably not far behind. He is babbling a lot (I've taught him to say "la la la" - which is really just opening and closing his mouth with his tongue hanging out), and (TMI, but PTL) I haven't had to pump poop out of that baby for at least a week! :)
On that note... here is a good bye photo of our little fam:
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