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... of some big developments

You know those email updates you can get during your pregnancy? The ones that tell you how big your baby is in fruit terms each week? Maybe you don't. Anyway, they exist. And I got them throughout my pregnancy. And then they continued after Abram actually arrived (weighing about as much as a large watermelon). So each month, I get an email update about what my baby might be/should be doing at that age... although, sadly, there are no fruit comparisons anymore. So the other day I got his 8 month update email which stated that babies this age tend to be abnormally fussy, probably because they are developing and changing so much.

Well, boy, has that been the case. Fussy: yes. Sleepless: occasionally. Changing: before our very eyes.

Within the last two weeks he has started: saying "ma ma", consistently doing the for real crawl, pulling up to standing, going from crawling to sitting, walking in his walker, and eating finger foods. And he's gotten his two top teeth. I'd be fussy, too.

Here he is pulling up on the back of the couch (the kooshiest spot in the house, in case he falls).

And here he is going from crawling to sitting.

So that's the news on the Abram front. On the Anaka front, I baked two loaves of bread tonight! I've never baked bread! What a development! ...Tomorrow I might be a little fussy, but I will have tasty zucchini and banana bread to make myself feel better.

Actually, they are for our community group party tomorrow, so I better not eat (too much of) them. I used this zucchini bread recipe and this banana bread recipe. The banana bread turned out better, actually (I used applesauce instead of egg, because one of my friends is vegan and I wanted her to have something to eat). I also used parchment paper to line the banana bread pan, but I greased the zucchini bread pan. The parchment worked soooo well! I will never do it any other way now.

I also took a nap when Abram was napping for the first time in his life. Everyone says to do that (especially when they are newborns), but I was never able to make it work. I always had other stuff I wanted to do with my free time. But today, I was just too darn tired. So Abram and I took a nap from 12:30-2:00. And it was really nice! One of the other reasons I never did it before is the same reasons that I've never gotten a credit card... I was afraid I would get used to having it and would get a little out of control. So it's not going to be a regular occurrence, but I may try it a little more often.

Maybe if I went to bed early instead of blogging, I wouldn't have to nap... ok, ok, I'm going...


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