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... of begging for two naps

Not me. Abram.

Update on the last post:
I decided to try letting him go to one nap a day (since that seemed like where we were headed). I had my trusty, wonderful babysitter/sister/student Chelsea come over to watch Abram while I went and got my first grown up haircut (meaning I spent more than $20 at Supercuts). This seemed like the perfect opportunity to try to see if he would stay up through lunchtime and go down for one early afternoon nap. Chelsea was full of Abram morning playtime energy, I usually am not. So I thought she would be better at entertaining him for a few hours than I would be. My "entertainment" would consist of some errand running because I was getting tired of chasing him around the house and saying "no".

Chelsea said that he started laying his head down on the ground in the middle of playing around 10:50 and she decided to put him to bed. It was a good call. He was asleep within minutes and slept for 2.5 hours. His afternoon nap was completely strange (more like an early evening nap). But he didn't seem like he was going to go to one nap a day, cold turkey.

Today, he woke up randomly at 6 and then went back to sleep at about 6:30 and woke up again at 8:15. So I thought this would be a good day to see if we could make it through lunch. He woke up later, more possibility. I made breakfast: french toast with fresh blueberry "syrup" (just blueberries blended up with a tiny bit of water). He inhaled that stuff. We played for a little while until 10:00. All of a sudden he started laying his face down on everything and rocking himself back and forth. He didn't really seem sleepy except for this. So I said, "Abram, do you want to go nigh-night?" He looked at me for a second, did the "please" sign, and started crawling back toward his room.

A one year old can't get any clearer than that, right?

When we were going down the hallway I asked him if he wanted me to take his shoes off. He stopped and turned around with his feet out and started to unvelcro them for me. We got them off and headed the rest of the way to his room, where I have piles of baby clothes in mid-sort (baby girl can wear this: NB, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9 and bag in the garage: NB, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9). He laid his head down on one pile of clothes and I got the final confirmation.

He kept reaching for his crib, so I didn't sing or pray or anything. I just said "Do you want to lay down?", got another please, and laid him down. That was 10:09. It's 11:09 and he is not asleep. He is singing! He was essentially begging to go down. More Mom confusion.

People keep saying that kids drop a nap around one year. But my almost 13 month old doesn't show any real signs of moving in that direction except a day of not falling asleep at all during his morning nap time. I don't really like being in this limbo of not knowing when he'll want/need to go to sleep and if I should be trying to force him to do one thing or another for the sake of my sanity (ie ever being able to leave the house).

I know this will all resolve and I will look back and not even really remember when he went to one nap a day when my friends with babies ask me. But that is one reason I'm blogging about it. I don't have a baby book. This is my baby book. Congratulations. You all get to read my kids' baby books. So these posts are the only way that I can answer questions like: "when did he start solids?" or "when did you take him on his first flight?" or "what did you do for his first birthday party?" So this is the beginning of the "when and how did you go to one nap a day?" answer.

I also wanted to share this video of Abram using some of his signs. Some of them a fairly correct: "eat" and "please". I did not realize that I was teaching him "wait" when I was saying it to him over and over while preparing him breakfast in the morning and holding up my finger in front of my face. But the other day I told him to wait while he was fussing and he just stopped and held up his finger in front of his face. More evidence that I have to be careful what I say and do around him because he probably will pick it up eventually. But I think it's super cute. Not the correct sign for "wait", but just as effective.

On a Selah baby book note: I've been able to feel her moving since I was 12 weeks. I think Quinn got the first exterior feel at about 14 and now she is officially visibly moving from the outside at 19 weeks. I thought she was going to be calmer than Abram, but she's already on regular awake/sleep patterns and every hour she does a few good jabs and rolls. I think she may give Abram a run for his "busting out of my stomach" money. Perfect.

Selah and I: 19 weeks. Not the best picture of me, but it's for posterity, not fame.


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