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... of a call to the doctor

Yes. Another one. We just had a wonderful answer to prayer in Abram getting over a snotty nose in a few days after Quinn and I had both been sick with full fledged colds. And now this.

"This" (if you haven't read my recent Facebook post), is a leg issue. I noticed/realized tonight that Abram was refusing to stand up the second half of the day. If you've been around this child in the last few months, you know that if he's not strapped into something he's either crawling or standing and cruising. So this was odd. I know that he was standing this morning and in his crib before his morning nap (thanks, video monitor), but when I thought back over the afternoon and into the evening I realized that he had not stood up at all. He normally stands and plays with his nativity from Nana and Papa at the coffee table:

The Norm (love that face)
But this afternoon he was kneeling on the ground and trying to get me to hand him things that were too far back on the table. Then, when he was grabbing onto his walker handle, but not pulling himself up, I put it all together.

So we started to try and make him stand up and walk and he kept letting his legs collapse under him. He was crawling just fine - like a speed racer, actually. When Quinn finally got him to stand up at the coffee table, I saw that he was standing just on his right leg. He was bending his left leg up and not putting it down at all. I looked all over the leg and was pushing on it and massaging it, but he didn't seem bothered at all. I did notice what looked like a black splinter in the top of his left foot (strange as he has socks and shoes on 99% of the day). I got it out without a fuss and pushed on the area and he didn't even look at me or make any noise. He took a bath and I did some bicycle motions with his legs to see if that bothered his hips or knees and he was laughing. So we put him to bed to see what happens tomorrow.

I've gotten very mixed feedback from people. A nurse who says growing pains, my sister the doctor who says maybe growing pains, a nurse who says call the doctor right away, a friend who says she had a cyst removed in her ankle when that happened to her at 18 months. Long story short, if he's not standing on it tomorrow morning, I'm calling the doctor, just to be safe.

Chelsea is coming tomorrow and it was supposed to be my day of running errands and finally getting some stuff done. The cat is already going into the vet, so I'd love a miraculous resolution to this in the morning. I'm crossing my fingers for growing pains. He has grown significantly in the last week, I think. Last week I was putting him in a few 9 month sleepers that fit and now I can't get both his legs and his arms to fit in at the same time. He's being stretched into a 12 month old!!

I got some pictures of him on our chilly walk this afternoon. He looked a little like an invalid in a wheelchair with his legs covered in a blanket (sweatshirt) as he calmly pointed at things that I would try and name for him.

It was difficult with such a little finger and such a big world. "House? Cat? Car? Snowman? Sun? Tree? I don't know what you're pointing at." Moving along.

Our path.

Oh, just hoping this little bug is healthy and growing and we're not going to be headed away for Christmas with unresolved health issues. Prayers are appreciated.


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