Up until this point in his life, whenever Abram didn't want something or didn't want to do something, he just shook his head. When he did want something he would nod his head - sometimes. He hadn't really gotten the hang of yes and no and he's almost 20 months old. He could tell you all of the letters in the alphabet (except "J", for some reason...), but he couldn't tell you "yes" or "no".
That is until a few days ago. All of a sudden, a very clear and defiant "NO" has finally been added to my son's vocabulary.
That is until a few days ago. All of a sudden, a very clear and defiant "NO" has finally been added to my son's vocabulary.
At first, it was pretty cute. He is very purposeful in forming his "o" with his mouth. Almost like he's kissing. "Noh". I would giggle a little.
The first day.
Then I regretted that giggle. One cute "no" every once in awhile, turned into a repetitive "NOO! NOO! NOO!" every other minute in response to everything we said very quickly.
Uh oh.
Did I mention he's also addicted to his pacies, which we only (technically) let him have in his bed?
This is why he didn't want to get out of his crib.
That was a small example in which he toned it down right when I turned the camera on. Imagine this one "no" being repeated over and over as he bounced up and down in his crib, happily juggling three pacies.
And he still won't say "yes" without prompting. But we are working on that.
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