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... of three months... and one day

Yesterday was an insano pants day.  I'm not sure where I came up with that term, but I find myself using it a lot these days.  So we'll go with it.  Anyway, since today is Selah's three month birthday, this post should have been written yesterday.  But, alas, that did not happen.  So now we are on the verge of three months and one day.  

Here is the three month update:

Date: July 22, 2012

Weight: Went in for a visit about acid reflux last Wednesday and she was 11.5 lbs.

Clothing size: Snuggly in 3 mo.

Feedings per day: 5/6, depending on the day

Night sleeping: Still really great, praise God.  I guess she might be sleeping so well at night because she naps so little during the day.  If I had to choose one or the other, I guess I'm glad we have good night sleep.  

Naps: So it's been over a month of tough napping. We'll have a few great days with long naps and a predictable schedule and then a few hard days of only 45 minute naps and lots of overtireness.  Thankfully, when she gets overtired she doesn't cry.  She only cries if she is awake in her room and doesn't want to be alone.  We are working on that...

New skills: Cooing.  It's been happening all this month, but she's getting more variety in her sounds.  She likes to make the "ooo" sound with her tongue rolled and stuck out.  It's pretty funny.

Favorite thing: Mommy and Daddy's faces and high pitched baby talking :)

Least favorite thing: Waking up in the middle of a nap and finding she is alone.  

Potential Personality traits: She still doesn't smile a ton just randomly.  We have to work for those smiles, but they are pretty big when we get them.  She also gets startled fairly easily.  She doesn't seem to like being held a lot.  She doesn't really like to snuggle.  Every time she is burped in the "traditional" way she only wants to stay there long enough to get the burp out and then she starts thrashing around.  The only time she sleeps on our shoulder is if she is asleep already.  I am hoping this is not a potential personality trait, because Abram is definitely not a snuggler and I was really hoping that baby girl would be.  
Brother/Sisterness: Abram is more interested in pointing things out on Selah's clothes and face than he really is in her at this point.  They don't actually have a ton of interaction during the day because she is "sleeping" so much and he takes a 3 hour naps in the middle of the day.  He has gotten a little upset when Quinn has tried to hold them at the same time.  But overall he does really well with her, offering to share things and giving her a kiss before bedtime every night.


I hope to have more updates soon on an improved daytime sleeping scenario.  We have less than two weeks in this house and then she won't be able to have a very stable routine, so I was hoping to get her internal clock more programmed before that happened.  But maybe God knows that that would actually make it harder and He is preparing us all for the unpredictability of travel.  Only time will tell!!

Happy three months, Sell Bell.  We love you!


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