Where did that phrase come from, anyway...?
Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers in response to the post yesterday. It seems that God is answering them already! Last night, after a lavender bedtime bath, she went down with only 10 minutes of a little bit of fussing at 7:00pm and she slept until Quinn fed her a bottle around 11:00! So my wonderful friends who came over to be a man on man defense only had to "defend" against one sleepy toddler for about an hour. He was already in his PJs (he asked for me to put them on when I got them out of the dryer at around 5:00) and he apparently he essentially asked to go to bed a little before 8. So then my wonderful friends got to visit with each other and eat chocolate until we came home a little before 10.
It was a really good night with Quinn. We ended up going to Hula Hut on the river.
Then we got to take a nice long walk back to the car in the rain and ended the night with a piece of pie and some decaf at Magnolia Cafe. We tried not to talk too much about the kids or our list of things that needs to get done for our move and travels, but it was sort of impossible. We did do a lot of reminiscing about Austin and our relationship and that was awesome.
Today has been an amazing sleeping day for Selah, so far. She does this sometimes and then the next day is hard.
Like this was the other day when I pretty much couldn't wake her up/keep her awake.
Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers in response to the post yesterday. It seems that God is answering them already! Last night, after a lavender bedtime bath, she went down with only 10 minutes of a little bit of fussing at 7:00pm and she slept until Quinn fed her a bottle around 11:00! So my wonderful friends who came over to be a man on man defense only had to "defend" against one sleepy toddler for about an hour. He was already in his PJs (he asked for me to put them on when I got them out of the dryer at around 5:00) and he apparently he essentially asked to go to bed a little before 8. So then my wonderful friends got to visit with each other and eat chocolate until we came home a little before 10.
It was a really good night with Quinn. We ended up going to Hula Hut on the river.
Then we got to take a nice long walk back to the car in the rain and ended the night with a piece of pie and some decaf at Magnolia Cafe. We tried not to talk too much about the kids or our list of things that needs to get done for our move and travels, but it was sort of impossible. We did do a lot of reminiscing about Austin and our relationship and that was awesome.
Love this man and the gift from the Lord that he is to me.
Today has been an amazing sleeping day for Selah, so far. She does this sometimes and then the next day is hard.
Like this was the other day when I pretty much couldn't wake her up/keep her awake.
Or she'll be good in the morning and then the afternoon is hard. Like, she is battling the 45 minute intruder right now and she's not good at putting herself back to sleep yet. So we'll see how it goes.
My new trick is lavender. I'm going to do the bath every night (up until this point, she's maybe had two baths a week), but it seems to help. And I'm using lavender hand lotion on my hands before I put her to sleep for naps. Only done it once, seemed to work, so another we'll see...
From awake time today.
Thanks again, friends. Your responses have been so kind. I'll keep you posted :)
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