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... of 4 months!

I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I had to stay on top of Selah's monthly updates, so here I am!  This will be an exclusive Selah post and I will do an exclusive Abram post as well.  Because if there's one thing that kid needs, it's more attention. Not! (Says junior high Anaka)

So here she is:

Date: August 21. 2012

Weight: I weighed her and I on my mom's scale today and she is apparently about 13.5 pounds!  That girl does not have an issue with weight gain, that's for sure. The pediatrics growth chart says that's right at the 50th percentile, which is where she has been for awhile.  

Clothing size: Some 3 month things (dresses), some 6 months (one pieces).  She's pretty long and  lean, despite those chubby cheeks and thighs.

Feedings per day: 4/5 depending on the day.

Night sleeping: Still good!  She's been going an uninterrupted 12 hours at night for about a month now, which is pretty amazing and why she only eats 4 to 5 times a day.  But she obviously isn't loosing weight, so it works for me! 

Naps: The napping changed drastically around month 3.  After so much prayer, God finally helped her settle into better napping.  We stopped swaddling her arms, because she was finding her fist more often when she was awake, so I thought she might be ready to self soothe.  She quickly found her thumb and I now officially have another thumb sucker on my hands.  The other day I was watching her sleep and she was trying to get both thumbs in her mouth at the same time.  But, hey, if it means she takes better, longer naps and is able to put herself to sleep, I'm willing to deal with the thumb sucking later.

New skills: Laughing and rolling over (back to tummy).  That's just the way Abram was, too.  I find it ironic because she hates tummy time just like he did.  It took him a month to figure out how to roll from front to back and I think she's on the same track.  The laughing is adorable.  Her smiles are HUGE when you get her to give you one.  She actually did both of these things for the first time on the same day when we were driving up to North Texas to stay with my grandparents.   I was trying to nurse her in the front seat of the car while we were stopped at a grocery store and she was really fighting me.  I was getting frustrated and then she just stopped and looked up at me and started laughing.  It made the whole experience a lot less frustrating very quickly :)

Favorite thing: Standing up.  Although her legs collapse after a bit, buts she loves it.  Make sure you watch to the end of the horribly filmed video :)

Oh, and she really likes Sophie.

Least favorite thing: Being overtired and then getting passed around to strange people.  We get a breakdown every time.
Potential Personality traits: She is still pretty stoic.  Or maybe contemplative is a better word.  But she will always smile at whoever gets her out of her bed right after she wakes up.  That's by far her most smiley time. I think that means that she will be a morning girl.

Brother/Sisterness: She has been watching Abram more, but still not a ton of interaction.  He likes to hold her toys up for her to see, but doesn't want to actually let her have them.  Also, he's been trying to tickle and hug her more often, but sometimes that looks like him almost laying on top of her when she is laying on the floor. He doesn't quite get yet that she is a human being and needs to be treated with care.  

She's gotten to meet a lot of family in the last few weeks, that's for sure!
Uncle Pete and Chunky Leg Lady.  Pete just moved from Boise to Denver and we are so glad we've gotten to spend some time with him here, since he won't be in Idaho when we visit.

Nana and Papa

Great Grandpa Roy

Our little girl is growing up so fast!


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