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... of brilliance

Never will I be so presumptuous as to actually call myself brilliant, so I'm sure I will always just be on the verge of brilliance with a hint of lack of common sense. However, I had a eureka moment just now and thought I would share with you, get thoughts, and ask for more.

You may have read one of my recent posts about The Seat Sling. Well, you've all given me some great support and encouragement and suggestions. My friend whose church going problem brought the whole thing about tried it out this Sunday. She stayed the whole time!! Praise the Lord, it seems to be the problem solver it was intended to be. I've only had a brief confirmation from her that she stayed the whole time, it was easy to get on and off, and that she used the pillow vertically (which is another good reason for it not to be attached to the sling itself). I want to debrief with her a bit more about it when I get home from visiting my parents in Colorado. Then I think I may slowly start to pursue this!

One thing that was hindering my belief that it could be successful, was that I was having a hard time with cost of materials. I need a full two yards (a bit less) of fabric for one sling. And I need over half the width of those two yards, so I can't get two slings out of two yards of fabric. I was having a really hard time finding any cotton fabric that I even remotely liked for less than $5 a yard. I don't want to buy in bulk yet, because this may not end up working out and I don't want to have spent a ton on fabric trying to save money. So between the fabric, snaps, foam, and elastic the materials alone were running me close to $20 at a craft store.

So I've been looking and looking and thinking and thinking about this fabric issue. How could I get cheaper cotton fabric in fun-ish prints for less that $5 a yard? Then I happened to glance at an old blog post from someone that was called "Upcycled blanket". And I thought, "SHEETS!!"

But here's where I need your input: I'm talking Goodwill/Salvation Army/vintage (of course I would avoid stains and launder them) sheets, but is that weird/gross? I mean, no one would ever know... :)

Do you have any brilliant ideas? I am very open.


  1. No great idea and the are available at discount stores and big box stores at prices that are much lower than other places-plus are up to date with fun prints. I use to use them for curtains in my children's bedroom.


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