Today Selah is 31 weeks and Abram went in for his 15 month well check (a few weeks late). The fact that this will be an update on both of them made me realize that pretty soon that's going to be the case for most posts. I get long winded when I'm just updating on Abram! What's it going to be like when I have two kids doing new things and being cute for pictures?! I guess we will all find out soon enough.
31 weeks feels like a lot and a little at the same time. It's like we are in the very beginning of the home stretch. When you get into the home stretch you feel like the end is actually closer than it actually is and with this girl quickly running out of places to go, I'm starting to look forward to the end a bit more. She keeps going out instead of up. This is good for my diaphragm, lungs, and breathing, but not so great for my belly button. I blame it on Abram and the fact that my abs never came back together after him and so they haven't done a good job keeping this girl up and supported. I had Quinn take a picture this morning, but the lighting was bad, so we used the flash and it made a black shadow behind me. This wouldn't be a big deal, except that I am wearing a black shirt, so it makes my stomach look bigger than it actually is. So just know that there is a little extra added on to her in this picture :)
Selah - 31 weeks

I still can't figure out her position all of the time. I think that she's flipping around in there a lot, so it changes constantly. We are praying regularly that she will settle into the correct position before too long so we won't have to open the can of worms that comes with a breech baby this late in the game.
Our best friends are going to be having their third baby any day now! We are so excited to meet this little boy. Maybe Selah's husband? :) Just kidding. But not really. I think we all secretly think it would be awesome if we ended up being in-laws. Hey, my grandfathers fought in the Korean war together before they were married and my mom and dad met for the first time when they were three and five, so it happens! Anyway, our friends are up near Dallas waiting to have the baby and we are anxious for news any day!
So Abram's 15 month well check/life update:
Weight: 21 lbs 13 oz. 15th percentile. He's finally out of the bottom 5th! I credit whole milk.
Height: 31 inches. 50th percentile. Quinn's child.
Teeth: 9 fully in now, including one bottom molar. The corresponding top one has been working its way through for awhile, but taking it's time. He drools like a machine and always has a completely wet shirt pretty much all of the time. But he's been doing that since he was about 3 months old, we we are used to it by now.
Words he actually says that he understands he's saying: Dada (obvious), BuhBo (Bible), upm (up), Puh-puh (please). Other than that he pretty much babbles all of the time. He also has almost words for things, like "kkkhhhh" for cookie, "nana" for banana, etc.
Understanding: The doctor was really surprised when he was wandering around the office and went to play with the door stop and I said "Don't touch that, Bubba" and he walked away from it. Then he started to look at his book and it was upside down, so I said "It's upside down. Can you flip it right side up?" and he did. Apparently this level of understanding for a 15 month old is pretty good. I thought it was normal, because he's been listening and responding to what we say for awhile now. It's really nice that he understands so much. I feel less like I'm hanging out with a baby all day long and more like I'm talking to a real person :)
He got two vaccinations today. The DTap and the Hib. I only do two at a time, but that means I have to bring him in for vaccination appointments in between well checks. He usually does well with them: cries really hard during/right after and then calms down quickly. But he was really pulling at his pant leg where the shots were when we got home and were playing for a bit, which worried me. It didn't look bad when I checked before his nap, but hopefully we don't have a reaction at the injection site or anything. We'll see when he wakes up.

Post injection stupor.
31 weeks feels like a lot and a little at the same time. It's like we are in the very beginning of the home stretch. When you get into the home stretch you feel like the end is actually closer than it actually is and with this girl quickly running out of places to go, I'm starting to look forward to the end a bit more. She keeps going out instead of up. This is good for my diaphragm, lungs, and breathing, but not so great for my belly button. I blame it on Abram and the fact that my abs never came back together after him and so they haven't done a good job keeping this girl up and supported. I had Quinn take a picture this morning, but the lighting was bad, so we used the flash and it made a black shadow behind me. This wouldn't be a big deal, except that I am wearing a black shirt, so it makes my stomach look bigger than it actually is. So just know that there is a little extra added on to her in this picture :)
Selah - 31 weeks

Abram - 31 weeks
I wouldn't normally do a 31 week comparison, but that's apparently when I took this picture with Abram. I did 28, 31, 33, 35, 38. Weird. Anyway, I guess they are continuing along about the same.
I still can't figure out her position all of the time. I think that she's flipping around in there a lot, so it changes constantly. We are praying regularly that she will settle into the correct position before too long so we won't have to open the can of worms that comes with a breech baby this late in the game.
Our best friends are going to be having their third baby any day now! We are so excited to meet this little boy. Maybe Selah's husband? :) Just kidding. But not really. I think we all secretly think it would be awesome if we ended up being in-laws. Hey, my grandfathers fought in the Korean war together before they were married and my mom and dad met for the first time when they were three and five, so it happens! Anyway, our friends are up near Dallas waiting to have the baby and we are anxious for news any day!
So Abram's 15 month well check/life update:
Weight: 21 lbs 13 oz. 15th percentile. He's finally out of the bottom 5th! I credit whole milk.
Height: 31 inches. 50th percentile. Quinn's child.
Teeth: 9 fully in now, including one bottom molar. The corresponding top one has been working its way through for awhile, but taking it's time. He drools like a machine and always has a completely wet shirt pretty much all of the time. But he's been doing that since he was about 3 months old, we we are used to it by now.
Words he actually says that he understands he's saying: Dada (obvious), BuhBo (Bible), upm (up), Puh-puh (please). Other than that he pretty much babbles all of the time. He also has almost words for things, like "kkkhhhh" for cookie, "nana" for banana, etc.
Understanding: The doctor was really surprised when he was wandering around the office and went to play with the door stop and I said "Don't touch that, Bubba" and he walked away from it. Then he started to look at his book and it was upside down, so I said "It's upside down. Can you flip it right side up?" and he did. Apparently this level of understanding for a 15 month old is pretty good. I thought it was normal, because he's been listening and responding to what we say for awhile now. It's really nice that he understands so much. I feel less like I'm hanging out with a baby all day long and more like I'm talking to a real person :)
He got two vaccinations today. The DTap and the Hib. I only do two at a time, but that means I have to bring him in for vaccination appointments in between well checks. He usually does well with them: cries really hard during/right after and then calms down quickly. But he was really pulling at his pant leg where the shots were when we got home and were playing for a bit, which worried me. It didn't look bad when I checked before his nap, but hopefully we don't have a reaction at the injection site or anything. We'll see when he wakes up.
Post injection stupor.
Other cute picture from the last few days:

Playing with Daddy in the very-in-need-of-a-mow backyard.

On a family walk.

Sunday morning Mohawk.
We put him to bed with slightly wet hair and this
is what happens. This is how he went to
church that morning. Pretty cool little man.
Playing with Daddy in the very-in-need-of-a-mow backyard.
On a family walk.
Sunday morning Mohawk.
We put him to bed with slightly wet hair and this
is what happens. This is how he went to
church that morning. Pretty cool little man.
Well, Quinn and I decided to try and do lunch as a family once a week. We chose Tuesdays, so I'm going to have to wake him up early from his nap. I hate doing that. Hopefully it won't be a fussy family lunch and he will take an afternoon nap for me later.
Whew. Lots of news on these two. I better start learning to edit myself soon :)
Whew. Lots of news on these two. I better start learning to edit myself soon :)
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