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.... of a diet.

Before you freak out on me... hold on... and let me start on a more fun note.

We are also on the verge of 28 weeks (tomorrow). I'll throw these pictures in here and not do a whole post on my wiggly baby girl who is getting heavier by the day. Not quite 2.5 pounds and my back is already hurting at the end of the day. 12 more weeks is seeming a bit daunting.

Selah and I - almost 28 weeks Abram and I-28 weeks

They look almost identical! Crazy. Guess there isn't always a different in how boys and girls are carried. And I did not plan to wear the same shirt. Obviously, there is a very warm sweater added to this recent February photo that wasn't needed in the August photo. I also look much more like I don't care about my make-up and hair now (which is definitely true, I'm not denying).

So, back to the diet...

I have my 28 week glucose test at the OB on Wednesday. In case you are unaware, it's a blood test that checks for anemia and gestational diabetes. Well, it doesn't confirm gestational diabetes. If the levels are too high on the "one hour test" (where you drink a horrible, flat, super sweet, orange soda thing in five minutes and then get your blood drawn one hour later), then you have to come back in for the "three hour test" (where you get your blood drawn, drink a sweeter, flat, orange soda in five minutes, get your blood drawn an hour later, then get your blood drawn an hour after that, and then drawn again an hour after that) to confirm gestational diabetes.

I do not seem to be in the high risk category for gestational diabetes, however I did fail my one hour test when I was pregnant with Abram and had to do the three hour test. This is what one of my arms looked like the day after the three hour test and four blood draws:

So this time, when they suggested doing a high protein low carb diet for the two days before the one hour test, I decided to take it seriously so that I will lower my risk of having to take the three hour test for no real reason. With Abram I barely failed the one hour and the three hour came back totally fine and normal, so it wasn't even anything to worry about... I'd like to avoid that this time.

Problem: All I eat is carbs and sugar. Seriously. Bagels, cereal, toast, pasta, cupcakes, cookies; these are in my daily diet. Well, not cupcakes, but they were this weekend as I went to a baby birthday party and a baby shower. But I am not a big protein/veggie eater right now. I make sure Abram gets enough and he actually doesn't get too many servings of carbs, but I don't do myself the same service. So for the next two days, I will be eating very differently (and much better) than normal.

Breakfast was one egg. It would have been more, but we only had two left and Abram needed one. So now I'm starving and have to find something to snack on that's not bread based. I'd like to try these Quinoa pizza bites (we are big fans of Quinoa, now) for lunch, but we have no eggs. So I think that Abram and I may go out to eat. Maybe Chipotle... We can share a bowl of veggies, beans, and chicken... and then go to the grocery store so we don't have to do that anymore.

So we'll see how this diet goes. I am snacking on lentil chips and hummus. The lentil chips have carbs, but they also have protein. So that's good, right? Does anyone have any good recipe ideas that would help me? I am all ears.


  1. Quinoa Pancakes! So yummy! and pretty easy. 1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa, 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites

    1. In a large mixing bowl combine the cooked quinoa, eggs and egg whites. Whisk until smooth and creamy.

    2. Mist a non-stick pan with oil and cook as you would any pancake. Do not cook these on high heat. The outsides will burn and the insides will be raw.

    3. Top with any topping such as fruit, honey, maple syrup or agave nectar.

    It took me a few tries to get it right, but even the ones that were weird were still yummy :)


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