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... of stereotyping

Maybe my high school was different than yours. Maybe not. But when I was in high school, there was a group of kids I liked to call the "walking readers". They were the kids whose best friends were books. The books were so engrossing that they, literally, couldn't put it down. It was usually some kind of science fiction novel and they would read them while walking down the hallways during passing period. Most of the time these were the smartest kids in the school as well, so some of them would read throughout class because they already knew everything that was being taught. These were the kids who aced the SAT and has newspaper articles written about them and were accepted to MIT and Harvard and the like.

The problem was that their best friends were books. And sometimes each other. But mostly just the books. It was a little sad.

Was I the only person with "walking reader" kids at my school? Were you a walking reader?

Well, today my son showed signs of being a walking reader. I mean, he was literally reading while walking around. But not one of his books. This book:

"Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper
Good choice, Bug.
If you haven't read or heard of this book, check it out. It's life changing.

And he just walked around the sunny front room flipping through it. Quinn would be so proud.

Although I have to admit that it made me a little worried. I want him to be smart, but I'm not sure that I would be excited if he ended up being a walking reader kid. Maybe I'm being a horrible stereotyper, but walking reader kids didn't have friends and weren't good at talking to people. Is it too much to ask for my kid to be smart and sociable? I guess we will see how it all turns out in fifteen years or so, Lord willing.

When he was done, he walked it back over to where he got it and put it back. Nana would be so proud (maybe my mom was the only one whose favorite phrase was "put it away while it's in your hand".)

He looked outside for a bit right before his normal nap time.

When I asked if he was ready for a nap, not expecting him to even respond, he walked back to his room and shut the door behind him! I wish I'd gotten a video or pictures of that. It was priceless. The ironic thing is that when he does that, it doesn't mean he's tired and wants to go to sleep. Evidenced by the fact that I put him down at 10 after he went to his room, but he didn't fall asleep until after I went in there and changed his poopy diaper around 11:30. I guess I don't really blame him for not being able to fall asleep like that. I know I wouldn't.

Now he's asleep and will hopefully get a good 2 hours or so in since he hasn't been sleeping in the afternoons recently. So we are finally, slowly transitioning into one nap a day with a short rest in the late afternoon. And I'm definitely ok with that.


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