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... of gestational diabetes

So I failed. My diet didn't work. And what is a bit more worrisome is that I did do the diet and the one hour came back higher than than it did with Abram. With Abram it was a little high at 186 and with Selah it's also "a little high", but higher, at 213. I'm supposed to follow this type of diet until my three hour test on February 20th:

-Avoid all simple sugars: candy, cakes, sodas, desserts, jelly, and honey. This has been my diet for the last few months and the only "craving" I had, so I've indulged. No more.

-Always balance carbohydrates with protein. With each meal, eat the same amount of protein as you eat carbohydrates. Our fall back meal at this house is pasta. Just pasta with sauce. No more.

-Choose high fiber carbs, i.e. whole grain breads and pasta, brown rice, and potatoes with the skin on. That's easy. We only have that stuff in our house.

-Fruit juice is high in natural sugar and should be avoided. Sad, because blueberry juice was the only thing that was helping me be able to go to the bathroom every day... TMI!

-Diet drinks with splenda or nutrasweet are an acceptable alternative.
Yuck. I hate artificial sweeteners.

If the levels come back normal after that, I'll might have to keep following that diet until Selah's born. If they still come back high after the diet and fasting the morning before, then the only way to regulate it is with medicine. We'll see! Last time I don't think my level was high enough to have them ask me to do this diet, because I don't remember that. And it came back fine.

This pregnancy has been riddled with instances of "this could be a problem... oh, wait, no, it's fine". Placenta previa?! Nevermind. Belly button hernia (or whatever the official name is)?! Nope, fine. Let's hope gestational diabetes is the same. Also, as of this afternoon, she was head up (near my ribs). So I hope she settles head down in the next month or so. She's constantly twisting and turning in there, so it's absolutely possible.

Anyway, I know it's not rare to fail the one hour. I have many healthy friends who have failed and everything has been fine. Actually, I'm surprised at how many people have told me they failed, too. But did they fail over Valentine's day week when they are going to visit their mothers who are kindergarten teachers and will probably be bringing home armloads of yummy candy from her adoring students!?! No. Probably not (very sad face).

Maybe the Lord is honing my self control. Because He knows how much I really need help with that.


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