I am doing an experiment. Selah has been a really amiable baby so far. Really, she has just been sleeping and eating. A few times she has done some very sad crying during her few awake moments. The fact that the vigorous pumping of her legs combined with incessant pacifier sucking has produced some very lovely little farts in those moments, I have figured out that there is something happening with her eating that is sometimes making her gassy. Hence the experiment. I can't hold all variables constant (as I learned was necessary in 10th grade Chemistry), but I am trying. So I eliminated what I thought might be the culprits: broccoli, tomatoes, and eggs. Those might not be the problems, but it's my best guess and so I'm starting there. I took them all out. She was fine for a few days. Then I added eggs back in; and she had a hard day. So I'm pretty sure eggs are at least one of the problems. The fact that they may be makin...