Quinn has officially returned to work today, so my new life as a stay at home mom of two has begun. Honestly, Selah has been pretty much the perfect newborn and she hasn't made things too much more difficult. Yet. She has a few more fussy moments every day, but they are still pretty few and far between. I had a bit of spicy stuff last week and she reacted unfortunately (some painful gas before bed) and since I've avoided it, she's has been much more peaceful.
Abram seems to really like her. I am so glad that he hasn't been jealous or indifferent with her. Whenever he goes to bed or down for a nap, he always wants to give everyone including "baby" a kiss. He is really sweet with her and constantly wants to share his food and toys with her. I try not to discourage it so that he will continue wanting to share with her as they get older by telling him things like: "Thanks for wanting to share your milk, Brother! But she doesn't drink that milk yet." He keeps trying to share, so that's good.
For posterity reasons I'll share that Selah took her first bottle tonight! I wanted to try and do it soon because she is a bit resistant to the pacie and I wanted to make sure I wasn't creating a baby that would refuse anything other than me for milk... I mean, a girl's gotta be able to have a glass of wine every once in awhile, ya know? But she took it like a champ. We figured out that based on her weight (an estimated 7 lbs) that she was supposedly taking in about 2 oz per feeding. She took down a 2 oz bottle in about 7 minutes. The Medela slow flows are actually a pretty fast flow. Luckily she is used to gulping because of my overactive letdown and she took it like a champ. We are definitely going to be doing that more often. 7 minutes of feeding compared to 30 minutes is awesome. Now that Quinn has finished feeding her, they have ended up like this:
This was a picture from last night. But the only difference between that moment and right now are their clothes and the presence of a pacie. So it seemed like a good time to share Quinn's "favorite way to snuggle with her" (his words.)
Also, Selah went to her first restaurant the other night. In keeping with tradition, we took her to Red Robin. It was Abram's first restaurant as well. But I think he was something like six weeks and she was not quite three. We have definitely gotten back into the swing of things faster with this child then with the first. It's amazing how you feel like the whole world stops with your first baby and then you realize that it definitely doesn't with subsequent children... mostly due to the presence of that first child :) Anyway, she slept the whole time.
And Abram surprised me by being more interested in broccoli and onions than the french fries.
Here is a picture of Abram, his favorite letter "B", and the rough draft of Daddy's ABCs of God's promises book.
Abram seems to really like her. I am so glad that he hasn't been jealous or indifferent with her. Whenever he goes to bed or down for a nap, he always wants to give everyone including "baby" a kiss. He is really sweet with her and constantly wants to share his food and toys with her. I try not to discourage it so that he will continue wanting to share with her as they get older by telling him things like: "Thanks for wanting to share your milk, Brother! But she doesn't drink that milk yet." He keeps trying to share, so that's good.
Sharing his favorite thing (his magnet letters) with his sleepy sister.
This was a picture from last night. But the only difference between that moment and right now are their clothes and the presence of a pacie. So it seemed like a good time to share Quinn's "favorite way to snuggle with her" (his words.)
Also, Selah went to her first restaurant the other night. In keeping with tradition, we took her to Red Robin. It was Abram's first restaurant as well. But I think he was something like six weeks and she was not quite three. We have definitely gotten back into the swing of things faster with this child then with the first. It's amazing how you feel like the whole world stops with your first baby and then you realize that it definitely doesn't with subsequent children... mostly due to the presence of that first child :) Anyway, she slept the whole time.
And Abram surprised me by being more interested in broccoli and onions than the french fries.
Here is a picture of Abram, his favorite letter "B", and the rough draft of Daddy's ABCs of God's promises book.
Abram loves it.
This is Abram pretending to go nigh-night on the couch last night. He was snuggling with Selah's blanket and saying "nah-nah" over and over.
This is our neighbor, Michaela. She is 9. She really likes Abram. And Abram really likes her.
Michaela plays outside a lot and when we go on walks, if she is outside her house (3 down from ours), she will join us until we get to the end of the street. Yesterday, we went out for a walk and we ended up seeing her and her mom, Shanna, and talking with them for awhile. Quinn let Michaela take pictures with our camera. She went crazy. I weeded out a lot of non-usable ones and ended up with some pretty good shots for a 9 year old.
Shanna, Michaela, and I
Michaela came over today around 5 as I pulled in from taking the kids on our first errand to the store. She wanted to know if I wanted her to play with Abram for a little bit. So sweet. They played in the backyard for about 10 minutes before he had to go down for his rest. She pushed him really high on the swing and he loooved it. She's actually really good at picking up a 23 lb toddler, so she brought him inside for me when I had Selah and he didn't want to come in. I have a feeling we are going to be seeing more of Michaela in the coming months :)
Well, I just finished pumping (that's my very least favorite part about bottles - there is a lot more cleaning involved than there is with nursing) and I'm going to clean up and get my husband and daughter to the bed room. Hopefully we'll be able to do it without waking either on them up too much :)
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