Selah is almost 10 days old. Today was her due date. I can't imagine if I had had to wait this long to be holding her in my arms. She's so sweet and snuggly and perfect. Quinn's mom was here and helped a TON this last week. But even with an extra pair of hands, Quinn and I have both found that we definitely have less time to get certain things done. Hence the lack of a post for quite a few days. I am actually typing this close to midnight and the only reason I'm doing it now is that I know I'm going to have to wake her up in a bit to get her to eat before I go to bed. I've had no other time with both hands to just sit down and get anything started.
There is so much to talk about, but I don't have time to write it all. And, don't lie, you are all just here for the pictures anyway :) So I'll try to do a little narration as I bust through some pictures:
First: Selah is getting quite a few nicknames (as most babies do). They include: Selie, Sell Bell (Quinn's favorite), Mella Selah, and Yella Selah. Mella Selah because she is just about the easiest baby I've ever seen (I am knocking on wood as I type). She sleeps a lot...
... And she's been on a really great day/night schedule really since we brought her home. She usually eats around 11:30/12:30 at night and then 4/4:30 (sometimes she wakes up and sometimes I wake her up) and then 8/8:30 (ditto). She only cries when she is hungry and maybe when she is tired and just can't put herself to sleep. Other than that, she just kind of calmly looks at you if you are holding her and she is awake. So sweet.

Yella Selah because she is pretty jaundiced. We had her levels checked on Thursday and they are only intermediate, so no one is worried. But she is pretty yellow. It translates in pictures as tan. No, she is not dark and lovely. She is just a yellow white girl. Hoping "Yella Selah" will get nixed from the list sometime this week.
Gae was such a huge help. Cooking, cleaning, playing with Abram, holding Selah. It's amazing how one more adult around here made me feel like this two kid thing was doable. We will see how I fare when Quinn goes back to work and it's back to just me. I think I am going to need a lot of prayer...

Emptying her diapers.
I'm going to stop there. Sorry for the poor writing and rambliness of this post. I am very tired and time really does feel like it's warping, even with such great help and such wonderful kids. I hope to do a real post sometime soon, but until then, I'll just try and share some pictures...
I'm literally falling asleep while typing. I'm going to go now. Good night.
There is so much to talk about, but I don't have time to write it all. And, don't lie, you are all just here for the pictures anyway :) So I'll try to do a little narration as I bust through some pictures:
First: Selah is getting quite a few nicknames (as most babies do). They include: Selie, Sell Bell (Quinn's favorite), Mella Selah, and Yella Selah. Mella Selah because she is just about the easiest baby I've ever seen (I am knocking on wood as I type). She sleeps a lot...
... And she's been on a really great day/night schedule really since we brought her home. She usually eats around 11:30/12:30 at night and then 4/4:30 (sometimes she wakes up and sometimes I wake her up) and then 8/8:30 (ditto). She only cries when she is hungry and maybe when she is tired and just can't put herself to sleep. Other than that, she just kind of calmly looks at you if you are holding her and she is awake. So sweet.
Yella Selah because she is pretty jaundiced. We had her levels checked on Thursday and they are only intermediate, so no one is worried. But she is pretty yellow. It translates in pictures as tan. No, she is not dark and lovely. She is just a yellow white girl. Hoping "Yella Selah" will get nixed from the list sometime this week.
She did pretty good!
Woah. Bright.
Bandaid face.
In one of Abram's sleepers, looking exactly like Abram.
Speaking of Abram: He has done so incredibly well with Selah. It's fantastic. The only hint of jealousy is when we are holding her and he decides that he really needs to be picked up at that exact moment. But he doesn't freak out if we say no or wait. He always wants to give Selah a kiss before he goes down for sleep (along with everyone else in the immediate vicinity) and "baby" is usually his first word when getting up from his nap and coming out into the living room.
Holding Sissy's hand.
Emptying her diapers.
Working on everyone's names:
His talking is really taking off. He's added a ton of words to his vocabulary in only the last few days. He's also started calling Quinn "Daddy" instead of "Dada" a few days ago. This is great, because now I can tell when he's actually talking about Quinn and when he's using "dada" as a babble term for something else. He talks about Quinn a surprising amount. I think it's because they've been spending so much time together and Abram loves it. Quinn has him help do chores, which he also loves. Especially outside chores. Like trimming bushes and putting the leaves in the trash.
I'm going to stop there. Sorry for the poor writing and rambliness of this post. I am very tired and time really does feel like it's warping, even with such great help and such wonderful kids. I hope to do a real post sometime soon, but until then, I'll just try and share some pictures...
I'm literally falling asleep while typing. I'm going to go now. Good night.
What a beautiful little girl, Abram is as cute as ever. Anaka and Quinn-you have a great little family.