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... of one month!

So I guess the only way that I am going to be able to get a post done is by doing it at 4am.  So here it is.  Hopefully it won't take me too long...

Selah is a month old in two hours (that's how I justified the "on the verge" part).
That went by really fast.  She is still really good, overall.  We've had a few instances of bad gas or needing to go poop that have kept her from going to sleep and made her uncomfortable.  But when she is upset - with the exception of being hungry and me not remedying that immediately - she doesn't cry for extended periods of time.  When she has a tummy ache, she'll look at you kinda concerned until it hits her and then she cries out in pain until the moment (or the gas) passes.  Poor dear.  But it hasn't been nearly as bad as Abram's gas.  His fussiness really peaked at 6-8 weeks, so I'm still expecting her to get a little worse.  I think she might have reflux sometimes, too and she makes the saddest, most painful looking faces.  Praying that stays rare and sporadic.  But I can always put her to sleep in the Moby wrap.
I like the way the Moby carries, but it's the craziest thing to put on and carry around.  It's just an absurdly long piece of fabric.  There is another carrier that made the Moby carry simpler to put on.  I knocked it off tonight with a fabric that I'm not sure will be the strongest thing ever.  But we'll see if it works tomorrow.  I'll let you know.

(Abram got to be carried in the Beco the other day.  I didn't want him to feel left out and I wanted to get some stuff done in the kitchen.  It worked out really well.)

I think Selah's getting a little chunkier, too!  She' is still wearing newborn clothes and diapers.  I'm glad she's not growing too fast, because we have some really cute newborn clothes that people have given us.  She hasn't lost any of her hair yet and there have been moments when I thought I could tell that her hair was getting lighter, but I'm not for sure yet.

We had quite a few little visitors last week.  They all brought really yummy food and really cute kids.  We actually used the second high chair I've been saving for no real reason in the garage three times.  Our friends Tim and Christine brought food and their 10 month old, Cohen, who loved Obie.  Then Shanda and Dave brought food (and brownies) and their 15 month old, Ellie.  Ellie was born almost 3 months premature, but you would never know it now!  She is a healthy girl who just started walking.  She and Abram had some pillow fun after dinner.

Then Danny and Abby brought their 10 month old, Zoe.  Zoe just started taking steps, too!  Pretty amazing.

Abram has decided that he doesn't really like his highchair, sometimes.  So we got out the Bumbo and put it on a "big boy chair" and let him eat at the table with us.
This pictures make it look like he's already a teenager or something.  

The poor bug is not feeling too well tonight.  Yesterday he had a fever (about 102, when we caught it) and tonight he had a 104 fever at bedtime.  It came down with Tylenol, but went up to 104 at around 1am.  It's back down now and he's been sleeping on Quinn's chest on the couch in his room for most of the night.  I'm thinking that it's teething.  His nose was a little runny today and he's drooling a ton.  He also doesn't want to eat anything except for milk, yogurt, and oranges.  We got him to eat some sweet potato tonight.  He really wanted a cookie, but took one bite and didn't want it anymore, which is why I think it's teething.  He has 16 teeth already, so all that's left are the molars.  I think it's possible for molars to cause higher fevers, even though doctors say that teething shouldn't do that.  We will see how he's feeling in the morning and take it from there.

Also tragic, we lost Abram's favorite letter today.
The B was on the floor with the rest of the letters this morning, but after clean up, we couldn't find it.  He isn't upset, but he kept looking for the B in the tub today and saying "B?! B?! B?!".  When he couldn't find it in there, he proceeded to wander all over the house looking in and under things chanting B's name.  I joined him in the search, but we have yet to find it.  Here is the video, proving his love of B.

Alright friends and family!  30 minute, 4am blog post: DONE!  Back to bed and hopefully not up with Selah for another 2 hours or so.

*Just as a side note, I did not get up just to blog.  Selah woke up to eat at 3:00 and I realized I was really hungry, so I came out here to eat something and I felt pretty awake, so I decided I'd finally write, since I've been meaning to for quite some time.  It's amazing how taking care of a newborn and a toddler can really eat into your blogging time :) *


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