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... of tough times

This week has been much harder for me that last week.  There are a few reasons for this:

1) Abram has been sick this week.  Starting on Sunday he was running a fever that was topping out at night at around 104.  This is really high for him, since his and my normal body temps are around 96.8.  It was traumatic for all of us.  Fevers are usually worse/higher at night (I hear) and so Sunday night and Monday night were pretty hard.  He was crying a ton and shaking and was overall uncomfortable when his fever was high, so until the medicine would kick in and bring it down, Quinn would lay with him on the couch in his room.  I've mentioned this before, but really the only time that we get Abram to snuggle with us is when he is sick.  So even though it's sad that he doesn't feel well, we kind of relish the stillness and snuggliness of our little man.  I tried to get some picture of those moments, but I didn't want to wake anyone up.  What resulted were fuzzy, strangely lit iphone photos, but you get the idea.

The doctor said that it could just be a viral infection that will usually runs its course in four days or so.  But he took a urine sample just to be sure that it wasn't a UTI or something.  The initial result was negative, but there were some other tests they were going to run on it and we were supposed to hear back today.  We didn't, so I'm assuming that no news is good news.  Meanwhile, Abram's fever seemed to start to go down today, but he's whining and kind of squeezing his legs together randomly the last day or so and I'm pretty sure it's when he's peeing.  So it could be a UTI, I guess.  We'll talk to the doctor again tomorrow and see what he's found out.

2)Selah has been pretty fussy the last few days.  Hers are gas/poop related issues.  She's down to about one BM a day and it's a tough one to get out.  She didn't even have one today, but she tried all night to the point of being awake and crying off and on from about 3pm to 10pm.  I took her to a friend's house for "Craft Night", but I did not end up doing any crafting because I was rocking/feeding/burping/pumping/shushing/changing a very upset baby the whole time.  Luckily everyone was very gracious and understood.  I know that fussiness peaks around 6 weeks, so I think she might be ramping up to that goal.  She had to try and give her brother a run for his money, I guess.  Quinn's dad will be visiting next weekend which is just about the same time in her life that he came to visit Abram when he was born.  So he should be able to tell us which kid was worse by the time he heads back home. 
She does like to sleep on people, which doesn't lend itself to much productivity.  But I did get a few moments the other night to knock off a Baby K'tan baby carrier and that has allowed for a bit more stuff getting done, since she falls asleep within about five minutes of being in it.  It's really comfy and she seems to like it. 
I need to take a few more minutes and finish the edges.  The raw edges are a little too stretchy and she's not as snug as I'd like her to be, but it definitely works.  It's so much easier than deal with and wrapping the Moby.  I'd like to try and do a tutorial for it sometime soon, since I completely knocked off a Baby K'tan, which means I definitely won't be selling them or anything.  So maybe you can benefit from my frugality!

Overall, it's been a harder week that last week, for sure.  It's all because of things that I know won't last and are already resolving, though.  Pretty soon we will be on the other side and may not even remember these tough few weeks.  I keep calling my mom and asking her what she did in certain situations with my sister and I (we are 16 months apart and Abram and Selah are 17) and, for the most part, she doesn't remember many specifics.  That is encouraging in and of itself.  It means that when Selah is calling me for advice with her kids, the only thing that will make me remember this "rough" week (which is causing me tears and heartache right now) is this post.


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