Apparently all you need to do to have a photogenic baby is have an amazing photographer friend named April Morales!
She came to take some pictures of our new little fam when Selah was just a few days old and she just gave them to me. I am so excited about them (especially after sharing some not so amazing pictures of this lady) that I thought I would share them with you immediately. I'll let the pictures do the talking.
She came to take some pictures of our new little fam when Selah was just a few days old and she just gave them to me. I am so excited about them (especially after sharing some not so amazing pictures of this lady) that I thought I would share them with you immediately. I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Again, these were taken by the uber-excellent - or I guess I should say "uber-ausgeseichnet" - April Morales. If
you are in Austin and you are having a baby and you want the nicest,
most wonderful person to beautifully capture your newborn, let me know
and I'll send you her way.
We just sent out Selah's
birth announcement today, so it should hit mailboxes very soon. But
I'll go ahead and share it here. I knew pretty much exactly what I
wanted it to look like, so I went ahead and designed it on my own in
Photoshop with only minimal help from Quinn! That's all to his credit,
anyway, because he's taught me everything I know about Photoshop.
Get it? Celebrate Selah Christine? We are hoping it helps with pronunciation questions, but I have a feeling it may be lost on most people.
So how's that for a photogenic baby?!
And just so Abram is not completely un-talked about today, here is a video of his newest skill:
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