I'm not yet. Ready, that is. But I am almost there. And I am only mostly there because I can't even imagine how much bigger I am going to get by the end, if I'm already out of room at 27 weeks! I hope this baby doesn't make me explode. I am NOT ready for actually having a baby in the house. The "nursery" is still a prayer room with a bunch of toys and clothes and bedding piled up in a chair. The other rooms of the house are pretty unorganized and not ready for all of the shifting that is going to have to happen. And I haven't yet done all of the "business" things that I wanted to start before he gets here. I wanted to get my etsy shop up and running, but this sounds so much easier than it actually is. We'll see how far that gets before November... On an optimistic note, I have started a better food/cooking routine for Quinn and I. Up until this point in our marriage, I have been a skillet dinner, frozen pizza, boxed meals kinda w...