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Showing posts from August, 2011

... of a little noise machine

Abram has a chorus of noises he likes to make. Shrieking still probably tops the list, but he's getting good at making lots of other sounds. Some of them require our help. As stated, it's the only way that I can get him to let me wipe his face after eating without a serious amount of fussiness. This is way cuter that fussiness, so I am happy to oblige him.

... of taking after Daddy

While Abram may look more like me and my baby pictures, he definitely has Quinn's build. We went for his well check today and he is 16 lbs 12.8 oz (which is the 5th percentile) and 28 inches long (the 50th percentile). Long and skinny. What else could we expect? Quinn has also been known to not be able to wear nice things because he often spills food on himself. While I don't think that's actually happened in a little while, it's definitely something that I found kind of endearing when we were dating. I think it may have been his nerves :) Anyway, Abram may have gotten the QRS messy eating gene as well. We started using that solid food net feeder thing and it's been great for teaching him how to chew, but bananas and blueberries aren't the cleanest thing to put in there. Enjoying lounging and being fed by mom. Checking it out. Feeding himself (what a big eyed cutie pants). Getting the hang of it. He liked bits of melted cheese on a thin w...

... of our 9 month well check

Abram turned 9 months on the 17th. I have seen all these cool ideas on pinterest of documenting every new month with a sign in the same spot and the same type of clothes, etc. My friend Brittany is really good at doing this with her son and I have to say that you won't regret it, Brit! I always have the best intentions and then never get around to it. Maybe if I'd done it from the very beginning it would be more of a priority, but alas. Each month goes by with no special pictures and no special sign. But pictures are definitely being taken. So not to worry, Abrafans. We went in for his 9 month well check after we got back from Idaho and we did the weighing and length process while he was screaming in hunger. He was 16.2 lbs. He was 14.8 at his 6 month. so he's put on a pound and a half in three months. That doesn't seem like much to me, but no one seemed worried. They were worried, however, when I told them that he had been running a 100.4 fever for 4 da...

... of bedroom safety

Abram is now able to pull up on anything and everything. He actually likes to stand more than sit. Sometimes, when he is playing with something on the floor, he will go from crawling pose to a "downward dog" type pose (for you yoga types out there) and just kind of hang out like that. Needless to say, he definitely is standing up in his crib. We need to lower the mattress. Like, tomorrow. It's on our to do list. Thankfully he did figure out how to sit back down as soon as he learned to pull himself up, so that's nice. He's also chewing on his crib rail now. This is obviously worrisome for many reasons. One of which is that his saw-like bottom teeth could easily take out chunks of the wood and he could swallow/choke on them. We'd also like to be able to sell the crib when we don't need it anymore. So I've been looking into the rail covers, assuming that I would buy one of the plastic ones. But as I was looking around, I saw a cloth one ...

... of a little narcissist?!

Hopefully not. Hopefully we are, instead, on the verge of a very smart baby who realizes that when Mommy takes pictures of him and then can immediately show them to him, that is a technology we should all get excited about! Abram and I spend one good playtime each day in his room. It's small and childproofed with lots of entertaining things and it keeps the Bubba content for good, long periods of time. He usually does lots of cute new things in there and so I always have the camera close by so I can try and capture the moment (mainly for Daddy, but you all reap the benefits as well). Yesterday I got these shots as he explored the room and I laid on his floor with him: Most of the pictures were a little blurry because this is what was happening to the camera strap: Next time, I need to open the blinds so I can get better lighting and not have to use the flash. Noted. So Abram's most recent enjoyment is looking at himself on the camera. He likes looki...

... of saying goodbye

Not to you. Don't worry, my friends (or, more accurately, Abram's friends). I have recently been convicted about my sugar intake. More specifically "sweets". Because I do not have a fruit eating problem, but rather a cookie, cake, fruit roll ups, chocolate, and Popsicle eating problem. My good friend Katie helped me realize how out of control I really was (through her wonderful honesty and openness) and I have decided that it is high time that I stop eating like a nursing mother, since I don't plan on being one for much longer. I am aiming for a year with Abram, but it may end up being more like 11 months and since he is 9 months tomorrow (!), I need to start now. So yesterday was my first day of trying to avoid "sweets". I did fairly well, I guess. I had a fruit smoothie with unsweetened almond milk (which was sadly bland, but I'll get used to it) and a handful of chocolate flavored rice cake minis. They are probably just as bad, but I...

... of nothing, really

Just some cuteso videos of our funny little Bubba. For you, Abram fam and fans. He is getting dedicated at church tomorrow morning... very near nap time. So we shall see how that all turns out. Happy Sabbath!

... of an absurd amount of vacation photos

"Hey man, check out my hawk." Well, I really really tried to post a blog this past week while I was in Colorado and Idaho, but it just didn't happen. Too much to do and too little familiarity with other people's computers. Next time I think I will just suck it up and bring mine. So there is really just too much to talk recount from our week with our wonderful families. So I will use the pictures do a breif recap. No pictures from the 4 plane rides, but traveling alone with Abram was much, much harder than I anticipated. It made me appreciate my wonderful husband even more. Luckily the flight from Austin to Denver was the only one I had to endure in the early morning hours with a sleepy but stubborn baby all alone. We got to Colorado to spend a few days with my mom and dad (Nana and Papa - as Abram knows them). It was so nice in Colorado! I really didn't want to leave in large part due to the weather. Mid 80's people! So nice. I also love...