Today was one of those days. It was actually more like two of those days rolled into one. The morning was a "Really?! I mean, really?!" kind of morning. And the afternoon was a "Wow, the Lord is so good and faithful" kind of afternoon. Even though the city we live in says that they aren't doing scheduled power outages this summer, we have just happened to have a power outage the last three Mondays at almost exactly 10am. The first few I was extra annoyed, because they were in the middle of Selah's morning nap and the sound machine that we have to have running while she is sleeping and the fan that keeps her room relatively cool both shut off and she woke right up, of course. This week, we have transitioned to one nap a day, so she wasn't sleeping during this morning's power outage and I wasn't as frustrated. But when the power hadn't come back on after 30 minutes like it usually does, I was getting a little exasperated. ...